Uppsala University sends student delegation to COP22 climate negotiations in Morocco


The 22nd session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP22) will be held in Marrakesh in Morocco from 7 November to 18 November 2016. Uppsala University has status as observer organization and will be sending a delegation to the conference.

In the words of students in the UU COP22 delegation:

We are attending COP22 to better understand the inner workings of international climate negotiations on matters of global importance. By analysing the multi-faceted complexities of international relations, we will be better placed to influence the future world at different levels as we all strive for a state of sustainability. We also want to communicate our experiences and report back to the broader Uppsala community, offering a perspective that the regular media might not cover and to impress the need for action on climate change. Finally there will be a number of other youth representatives and civil society networks convening in Marrakech who we hope to connect with to create opportunities for future collaborations.


Uppsala University has been sending student-delegations to the climate change negotations since 2015, when Doreen Stabinsky, the first Zennström Professor in Climate Change Leadership, initiated a call for students to apply to join the official delegation of Uppsala University to COP21 in Paris. The students attending the first meetings have now created a student-organisation, Uppsala University Climate Change Platform.

The students are currently in full swing preparing for COP22, and are looking for support. A group of students have also choosen to make their way to Morocco by land, rather then flying, to limit their carbon emissions. Check out their blog here: The Minivan Diaries.

If you are interested to learn more, or supporting the student-delegation in any way visit their website.



To see reports from earlier climate negotiations, including videos, interviews, articles and more, visit:

COP22 in Paris December 2015
Meeting in Bonn May 2016