See English description below, apply through links below.
Kreativa och utvecklande anställningar som kursamanuenser på CEMUS utlyses. Anställningarna är tidsbegränsade och på deltid. Du arbetar tillsammans med en kollega med en universitetskurs – planering, genomförande och uppföljning – som ett projekt. Sista ansökningsdag söndag 23 september 2018. Välkommen med din ansökan!
Följande positioner finns öppna, läs mer om kurserna genom att klicka på kurstiteln och sök genom att klicka på anvisade länkar.
Upp till 10 amanuensanställningar, 15-23 %, 12 månader. Sök här:
Up to 10 course coordinator positions, 15-23 %, 12 months. Apply here:
Ange vilka kurser du är intresserad av att jobba med och vilken kurs du helst vill jobba med (om du söker till mer än en kurs).
Kurser som ges på svenska
- Hållbar utveckling – värderingar, världsbilder och visioner, 15 hp, 1 position 23%, 15 hp
- Teknik, makt och mänsklighetens framtid, 1 position 17%, 7.5 hp
- Livsfilosofi och det moderna samhället, 1 position 17%, 7.5 hp
Courses given in English
- Climate Change Leadership – Power, Politics and Culture, 1 position 23%, 15 hp
- Actors and Strategies for Change – Towards Global Sustainabilities, 2 positions, 7.5 hp
- Sustainable Design – Ecology, Culture and Human Built Worlds, 1 position, 7.5 hp
Upp till 2 amanuensanställningar, 15-23 %, 6 månader (potientiell möjlighet till förlängning ytterligare 6 mån), sök här/apply here:
Kurser som ges på svenska
- Hållbar utveckling B, 1 position 15%, 30 hp (samläsning)
- Hållbar utveckling – värderingar, världsbilder och visioner, 15 hp, 1 position 23%, 15 hp
The Centre for Environment and Development Studies, CEMUS, has since the start 1992 done student-led education within the broad and interdisciplinary environmental and sustainability area. Read more about our educational model and courses at
Work tasks: The work entails planning, administration, delivery and after-reporting of a university course together with a colleague in close collaboration with guest lecturers, the course work group (made up of experienced university teachers, researchers and professors), and CEMUS director of studies and educational coordinators. The work is both externally focused with contacts with guest lecturers and students, as well as individual work such as course planning, literature, preparation of seminars, workshops and course administration. Part of the work is also to creatively build on experiences from previous course runs and pass on one’s own experiences to future course coordinators.
The positions that are currently open in English are:
- Courses given in English
- Climate Change Leadership – Power, Politics and Culture, 1 position 23%, 15 hp
- Actors and Strategies for Change – Towards Global Sustainabilities, 2 positions, 7.5 hp
- Sustainable Design – Ecology, Culture and Human Built Worlds, 1 position, 7.5 hp
Please indicate in your application which courses you are interested in working with and in which order (if you apply to more than one course).
Qualifications: Ongoing university/college (higher education) studies, preferably sustainable development. Good computer skills and good English language skills spoken and written is necessary.
Desirable/other merits: The work has high demands on collaborative teamwork skills and the ability to independently direct and complete one’s own work tasks within given time frames, especially during periods of high work load. Emphasis personal suitability, such as the ability to take initiative and solve problems in a constructive way. Work life experience from work with student-led courses and experience of student activating teaching methods is also a merit.
Conditions: An employment as course coordinator (amanuens) is regulated in the Swedish higher education act chapter 5 (Högskoleförordningen, HF 5 kap). Only persons admitted to an undergraduate/bacheor level or masters level education can be employed as an amanuens/course coordinator (HF 5 kap §10).
Application procedure: The application must include a letter of intent (a short description of why you are applying to the position, also state if you have experience of similar work tasks). The application should also include a CV and a certificate with study results from Studentportalen or similar.
Uppsala University values the qualities that equal gender balance and diversity bring to the different activities. We encourage applicants with different background and experiences.
Salary: Fixed salary according to agreement with the union.
Start date: 2018-10-01.
Employment form: Limited employment period until 2019-09-30.
Employment percentage: See above list at the start of the page.
Location: Uppsala.
Contact Daniel Mossberg, Director of studies at CEMUS, phone 073-065 02 28 or 018-471 2708, email
Welcome with your application no later than September 23, 2018.
Applications need to be submitted through Uppsala University/Mynetwork, se links at the top of the page.