March 30: Workshop – Creating a Sustainable University

Brown-Bag Lunch & Workshop on the Green Office Model
Monday, March 30th, 12.15- 13.00, with opt. workshop 13-14, in Norrland I, Geocentrum, Villavägen 16

This is the question that students and university staff all over the globe are asking themselves: How do we make our university more sustainable? Students are often lacking the knowledge and resources to make the changes they would like to see. University staff can be tied up by limited time, funds and institutional demands. How can we work together to create a better, more sustainable university and campus?
The innovative solution that emerged at Maastricht University in 2010 is the Green Office Model: Green Offices are student-run, staff-supported sustainability hubs that work for sustainability throughout the university. This model has inspired similar hubs at ten European universities since 2010. Green Offices work on the sustainability of the university’s campus as well as its research, education, and impact on society at large.

Felix Spira is one of the co-founders of the first Green Office at Maastricht University and rootAbility, a non-profit organisation to spread the model. In this Brown Bag lunch session, he will give a presentation on the Green Office Model and Movement and we will explore ideas on possibilities to adapt the model to Uppsala University.
12.15 – 13.00: Presentation and discussion of the Green Office Model and Movement
                          Bring your own lunch – we’ll provide coffee and tea!

13.00 – 14.00: What can we do in Uppsala? Workshop session on what a similar initiative might look like in Uppsala.
Information on the Green Office Movement and open-source material about the model here //
4min video about the Green Office Model see below or click here.

Collaboration between CEMUS and Active Student Participation Project at UU.