Climate Change Leadership – MOOC

Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5

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This image shows a group of elongated cells (hyphae) from the filamentous fungus Podospora anserina. They are labeled with a fluorescent stain, JC-1, that labels areas of high metabolic activity (orange-red staining), photo by Christian Scheckhuber, CC BY-SA 4.0.

Introduction to complex challenges and possibilities for change

Welcome to week 3 of the course, during this week you’ll learn more about and discuss the following questions:

  • Is climate change a new type of challenge that in itself is more complex than previous societal and environmental problems during humanity’s history?
  • How could the work with many challenges that we face also open up new possibilities for making the world into a better place?
  • How can we work on different levels to bring about change?
  • How is climate change and migration connected?
  • What can and cannot technology do in relationship to climate change?
  • Who is responsible for climate change?
  • How can we link and create better maps for understanding the interconnected issues that relates to climate change?

During this week we’ll focus more on discussion which requires more of your active participation in the comment and discussion areas. The pedagogical idea is that you’ll learn more from interacting and discussing the issues with other learners in the course. Sometimes with online learning and courses you might not have the time for this or not get any responses on your comments, which is fine. If this happens, see the comments you make as a way to reflect and share with others your insights.


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