Spring 2024: CEFO Seminar Series – CEMUS Research Forum

Welcome this spring’s CEFO seminar series, organized by PhD-students in Uppsala and beyond!

When: See schedule below

Where: Baltic Library, Geocentrum, Villavägen 16

Online: https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/66569880688

CEFO seminar series spring 2024:

The interdisciplinary seminar takes place Tuesdays 13:15-15:00 twice per month during term time in the Baltic Library, at the Department of Earth Sciences, Villavägen 16 and online on Zoom. The last seminar each term includes planning discussions where PhD-students and researchers suggest future activities. The seminar is hosted by affiliated CEFO Members and supported by CEMUS.

Time Title and Speaker Location
January 16
Kosma Lechowicz – kick-off + The politics of interconnectedness in a coalscape Baltic Library and Zoom
January 30
Panu Pihkala – Ecological grief and Experiences and insights from Finnish projects Baltic Library and Zoom
February 13
Rasmus Einarsson: Nitrogen in the food system: navigating the trade-off between food production and environmental pollution. Baltic Library and Zoom
February 27
Azril Bacal – The Problem of the Two Cultures in Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Baltic Library and Zoom
March 12
Malin Andersson: Municipalities’capacities for governing resilient local food systems Baltic Library and Zoom
March 26
Aleksandra Lis-Plesińska – TBC Baltic Library and Zoom
April 9
Charlotte Ponzelar – Care in Environmental and Sustainability Education Baltic Library and Zoom
April 23
TBD Baltic Library and Zoom
May 7
TBD Baltic Library and Zoom
May 21
Laila Mendy: The issue is temporal: to trust in climate science and its impacts on society Baltic Library and Zoom
June 4
TBD Baltic Library and Zoom

Who We Are
The Center for Environment and Development Studies Research Forum (CEFO) is a transdisciplinary research forum open to researchers and Ph.D. students at Uppsala University, SLU, and other universities in Sweden. CEFO activities focus on environment, development, and sustainability studies. We collaborate with other universities and departments to enrich research education through our transdisciplinary Sustainability Seminars, Ph.D. courses, workshops, lectures, and field trips. CEFO was initiated by Ph.D. students, staff, and students at CEMUS in 2002 as a research school between Uppsala University and Swedish Agricultural University (SLU).

CEFO is mainly driven by Ph.D. students from across Uppsala University, along with senior faculty support. Our affiliated members and other participants are from diverse departments and disciplines, bringing multiple perspectives to the discussions. We encourage conversations framed by problem, not by discipline.

What We Do
Twice per month we host a research seminar series featuring talks and workshops from CEFO members and invited speakers. We run skills workshops and organize field trips. We also initiate and run student-driven Ph.D. courses in collaboration with faculty and offer opportunities for getting feedback for your research from a wider audience. We welcome new members from all departments who hope to broaden their horizons. Seminars, workshops, and events are open to any interested Ph.D. students, researchers, master’s students, and the interested public.

Sounds Interesting?
Below you find a schedule for our activities, you are of course welcome to join them. In addition to that, we would be happy to send you invites to our activities, if you are interested in that please send an e-mail to our recruitment coordinator – CEFOcoordinator@outlook.com

To become a formally affiliated Ph.D. student see the affiliation agreement and contact the recruitment coordinator. If you are a master student or researcher we would be happy to include you in our group as a non-affiliated member. The more the merrier!

CEFO seminar series spring 2023: Research practice and societal change
Building on this fall’s seminar theme of “universities, democracy and the ecological crisis” this spring’s seminar series continues in a somewhat similar vein. We invite all of those presenting their research to also briefly reflect on the ways in which they relate their research to society, e.g. as a product of society, as made with society, or produced for society. How might your research impact society? What are the assumptions you have been working from when it comes to the relationship between research practice and societal change? And how has this shaped your methodological and theoretical choices over time?

Supported by
CEMUS Centre for Environment and Development Studies, an interdisciplinary center for education, outreach, and research at Uppsala University and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU).