July 3rd, 4th and 5th: Seminars in Almedalen (watch online or live)

Kevin Anderson, Jesse Schrage and Isak Stoddard reflect on Almedalen as guests on UU Vice Chancellors’ blog: Almedalen – a modern agora or Swedish Davos?

On Tuesday July 4th and Wednesday July 5th, CEMUS will be organizing seminars in Almedalen.

Wednesday July 5: Leader or Laggard? Reviewing Sweden’s climate and sustainability agenda

9.30-10.30 in Studentcentrum/HUS D, Uppsala University Campus
What does a nation such as Sweden need to deliver if it is to make its fair contribution to the Paris agreement on climate change? And how are we doing so far? Are there tradeoffs between adressing climate change and other sustainable development goals? or perhaps synnergies?
More information at: http://www.almedalsveckan.info/event/view/47653
The event was recorded:

Tuesday July 4: Rapid Decarbonisation in Sweden – the role of social science, humanities and the arts.

16.00-17.00 in Formas Tent on Strandvägen.
A conversation with Kevin Anderson, Erik Westholm, Anna Kaijser and Jesse Schrage on the role of social science, humanities and the arts in tackling climate change and a rapid decarbonisation agenda in Sweden.
More information at: http://www.formas.se/sv/Press-Nyheter/Nyheter/Formas-i-Almedalen-2017/

Tuesday July 4: Are universities making the world worse? Education and research in an age of climate change

9.30-10.30 in Studentcentrum/HUS D, Uppsala University Campus
What is the role of universities in response to the great environmental and social challenges of our times? In an age of escalating climate change, ecological unravelling and societal instability and uncertainty, what is higher education and research really for? And for whom?
More information at: http://www.almedalsveckan.info/event/view/47645
The event was recorded:

Other events

Zennström professor Kevin Anderson will also be contributing to a number of other events at Almedalen:

More information about Almedalen here: http://www.almedalsveckan.info/