Welcome to this semester’s first CEFO Seminar!
Presenter: Sofia Ahlberg (Department of English, Uppsala University)
Title: Petrofiction as Genre and Methodology: Some Examples of Reading for a Post-Carbon Future
Place: Baltic University Library at Centre for Sustainable Development (Villavägen 16)
To receive information and papers for the seminars or for general inquiries, contact CEFO assistant coordinator Sachiko Ishihara (sachiko.ishihara@csduppsala.uu.se).
About CEMUS Research Forum (CEFO)
CEFO is a transdisciplinary research forum open to researchers and PhD-students at Uppsala University, SLU and other universities in Sweden. CEFO activities focus on environment, development and sustainability studies. We collaborate with other universities and departments to enrich research education through our transdisciplinary Sustainability Seminars, PhD courses, workshops, lectures and field trips. CEFO was initiated by PhD-students, staff and students at CEMUS in 2002 as a research school between Uppsala University and Swedish Agricultural University (SLU).
Read more about CEFO here and download full schedule of this semester here.