It’s been 30 years since CEMUS first course Människan & naturen (Humanity & Nature) started and we want welcome you all to lively and intriguing autumn semester start-up panel “Transcending Boundaries CEMUS +30 – Transforming Learning, Universities and the World” with CEMUS co-founder Niclas Hällström, Director What Next Forum, Lars Rydén, Professor Emeritus Baltic University Programme, and Aster Tommasini, Course Coordinator CEMUS!
When: August 29 kl. 18.15-20.00
Where: Sal X (room 10), University Main Building, see map here:
How: Interactive panel discussion where you are encouraged to contribute with questions on whiteboard and digitally here event number 12301: and on Twitter #cemus30:
This event is part CEMUS +30 anniversary celebration during 2022, read more at:
Finally, I am here, where all the action is supposed to be; at the center of thinking and change – the university. My images of the university were so vivid and clear: frenetic activity and enthusiasm; continuous debates and discussions; students with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, who attend lectures beyond their fields of study according to interest rather than course plans and requirements; idealism and the power to bring about change coupled with knowledge and thoughtfulness; demonstrations, actions, and protests; the courage to challenge and change the status quo. The core of social change and the triumph of reason over the follies of the world.What is education for? The History of Cemus by Niclas Hällström, p. 17, 2011