Deadline Aug 30: Apply to work with CEMUS autumn 2022 courses

Welcome to apply to work at CEMUS as a teaching or course assistant. We have a couple of open spots to work with the courses that are running already this fall semester. Last day of application 2022-08-30.

Note: We have two parallel ads posted at the same time. One type of position, teaching assistant/amanuens, is a position to work at the university while you are a student. CEMUS model is student-led education, so most new employees come in to the organisation in this role. Apply for this posision first hand. The other position, course assistant/kursassistent, does not demand that you are an active student, but it does demand some prevoius documented experience of working with student led education. This position is also to coordinate courses, but is seen as somewhat more senior than a teaching assistant.


Open positions for courses Autumn 2022

The positions are for work at one or more of the following courses. Course with Swedish names are given in Swedish and to work with these you have to be able to speak Swedish. All other courses are given in English. Read about the courses at the end of this page.

Kurser som ges på svenska *

Omfattning 17 %, period 2022-10-01 – 2023-03-14

  • 1 position: Klimatet, energin och det moderna samhället, 7,5 hp)
Course given in English

Extent 17 %, period 2022-10-01 – 2023-03-14

  • 1 position: Critical Perspectives on Sustainable Development in Sweden, 7,5 credits

Find, and read more about, all the courses above here:

Skicka in din ansökan via länkarna nedan
Annonser på Svenska (sök positionen genom länken i annonsen):

Send in your application via links below
Teaching assistant:
Course assistant:

We look forward to your application!