Climate Change Leadership in Practice Course Reader



Course Introduction 

Recommended Reading

Students from CCL Spring, 2017, Climate Change Leadership Declaration Spring 2017, CEMUS, Uppsala.

Orr. D, 1991, What is Education For? The Learning Revolution <>

Robinson, 2010, Changing Education Paradigms.


An Ecological History of Climate Change 

Required Reading

Peters. G, 2015, ‘A journey from 5°C to 2°C’ [Video file], <>


Stabinsky. D, 2018, ‘Climate change mitigation and the 2° target’ [Video file], <>


Recommended Reading

Climate Change Leadership in Practice Twitter Wall 

Ramhstorf. S, 2018, ‘Europe’s freak weather, explained‘, Politico, 16 June <>

Anderson. K, 2012, ‘Climate change going beyond dangerous – Brutal numbers and tenuous hope‘, What Next Volume III: Climate, Development and Equity, 16-40

Steffen. A, 2017, The Last Decade and You. <>

Steffen. A, 2017, Speed is Everything. >

Bows-Larkin. A, 2015, ‘Climate Change Is Happening: Here’s How We Adapt’ [Video file] , <>


Anderson. K, 2017, ‘Living within our carbon budget: the role of politics, technology and personal action’ [Video file], <>IFrame

NASA Earth Observatory, 2012, ‘The Greenhouse Effect’ [Video file], <>


Visualising Climate Change 

Required Reading

Harold, J., Lorenzoni, I., Shipley, T.F. & Coventry, K.R. 2016, “Cognitive and psychological science insights to improve climate change data visualization”, Nature Climate Change, vol. 6, no. 12, pp. 1080-1089 <>

Recommended Reading

Andreotti, V. 2016. Multi-layered Selves: Colonialism, Decolonization and Counter-Intuitive Learning Spaces. <>

Doyle, J., 2016. Mediating climate change. Routledge. Chapter 2: Visualising Climate Change: Negotiating the
Temporalities of Climate Through Imagery /uusp-webapp/auth_hitch/spring/webpagefiles/files/download/582921/0d37a18b-a4a2-4dc6-83fb-8e9ab5c8910b.pdf

Pelto. J, 2019, ‘Glaciogenic Art’, <>


History of Sustainable Development 

Required Reading

Pissani, 2006, ‘Sustainable development – Historical roots of the Concept Environmental Sciences 3:2, pp 83-96

Recommended Reading

Holmberg, J., & Larsson, J. (2018) A sustainability Lighthouse—Supporting transition leadership and conversations on desirable futures. Sustainability, 10(11), pp. 3842.

Williams, C. C., & Millington, A. C. (2004) The diverse and contested meanings of sustainable development. The Geographical Journal, 170 (2). pp. 99-104.

Heinberg, 2007, ‘Five Axioms of Sustainability‘, Richard Heinberg, <>

Steffen. A, 2018, ‘Un High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development’ [Video file], <>


Systems Thinking 

Required Reading

Introduction to Systems Thinking Study Guide

Meadows,1999, Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System. The Sustainability Institute. Hartland.

Wujec. T, 2015, ‘Got a wicked problem? First, tell me how you make toast‘ [Video file], <>


Climate Change Litigation in Practice 

Required Reading

Khan. T, 2018, ‘The Next Frontier in the Fight Against Climate Change’ [Video file], <>



Welcome to the Anthropocene 

Required Reading

Rockstrom et al, 2009, Planetary Boundaries: Exploring the Safe Operating Space for Humanity

Grint. K, 2008, ‘Wicked Problems and Clumsy Solutions: the Role of Leadership‘, Clinical Leader, Vol I Number II.

Recommended Reading

Steffen et al, 2018, ‘Tragectories of the Earth System in the AnthropocenePNAS,115 (33) 8252-8259.


Theories of Leadership 

Required Reading

Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership, 2012, ‘The Future in Practice: The State of Sustainability Leadership’<>

Recommended Reading (acknowledgement to Felix for the contributions)

May, F. 2015, A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Climate Change Leadership : An Educational Design Research exploration of a sustainability course at Uppsala University, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för geovetenskaper.

Goethals, G.R., Palgrave Connect, 2014. Conceptions of leadership enduring ideas and emerging insights. Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire.

BoardSource (Organization) (Ed.), 2010. The handbook of nonprofit governance, Nonprofit and public leadership and management. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco.

Townsend, T., MacBeath, J.E.C. (Eds.), 2011. International handbook of leadership for learning, Springer international handbooks of education. Springer, Dordrecht ; London.

Goethals, G.R., 2014. Conceptions of leadership: enduring ideas and emerging insights.

Allison, S.T., Goethals, G.R., Kramer, R.M. (Eds.), 2017. Handbook of heroism and heroic leadership, 1 Edition. ed. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, New York.

What is leadership?, 2006. . Journal of Pediatric Nursing 21, 456–457.

Kort, E.D., 2008. What, after all, is leadership? ‘Leadership’ and plural action. The Leadership Quarterly 19, 409–425.

Sardais, C., Miller, D., 2011. Leadership is not what you think: A Socratic dialogue. Business Horizons 54, 523–527.

Barker, R.A., 1997. ow Can We Train Leaders if We Do Not Know What Leadership Is? Human Relations 50, 343–362.

Hall, D.T., Hannum, K.M., McCarthy, J.F., 2009. Issues & observations-Leadership experience: What is it and what counts? Leadership in Action 29, 21–22.

Hunt, J.G. (Jerry), 2004. What is leadership?, in: The Nature of Leadership. Sage Publications, Inc, Thousand Oaks, CA, US, pp. 19–47.

Storey, J. (Ed.), 2016. The Routledge companion to leadership, 1 Edition. ed. Routledge, New York.
Goldsmith, M., Baldoni, J., McArthur, S. (Eds.), 2010. The AMA handbook of leadership. American Management Association, New York.

Stoner, J.A.F., Wankel, C., 2012. Managing climate change business risks and consequences: Leadership for global sustainability. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.

Townsend, T., MacBeath, J.E.C. (Eds.), 2011. International handbook of leadership for learning, Springer international handbooks of education. Springer, Dordrecht ; London.

Williams-Boyd, P., 2002. Educational leadership: a reference handbook, Contemporary education issues. ABC-CLIO, Santa-Barbara, Calif.

Matulich, S., Currie, D.M., 2009. Handbook of frauds, scams, and swindles: failures of ethics in leadership. CRC Press, Boca Raton.

Wholey, J.S., Hatry, H.P., Newcomer, K.E. (Eds.), 2010. Handbook of practical program evaluation, 3rd ed. ed, Essential texts for nonprofit and public leadership and management. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco.

Hannum, K., Martineau, J., Reinelt, C., Center for Creative Leadership (Eds.), 2007. The handbook of leadership development evaluation, 1st ed. ed, Jossey-Bass business & management series. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco.

Erçetin, Ş.Ş., Potas, N., 2019. Chaos, Complexity and Leadership 2017 Explorations of Chaos and Complexity Theory.

Down the rabbit hole of leadership: leadership pathology in everyday life, 1st edn. ed, 2018. . Springer Berlin Heidelberg, New York, NY.

Managing climate change business risks and consequences: leadership for global., 2016. . Palgrave Macmillan, Place of publication not identified.

Gupta, J., Grubb, M., 2000. Climate Change and European Leadership: A Sustainable Role for Europe?

Murphy, R., 2009. Leadership in disaster: learning for a future with global climate change. McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal.

Climate Change Leadership – Who is Responsible? 

Required Reading

Clark, D, 2013, ‘Which fossil fuel companies are most responsible for climate change? – interactive’, The Guardian, 20 November, <>

Kiln, 2014, ‘Carbon map – which countries are responsible for climate change?’, The Guardian, 23 September, <>

Recommended Reading

Starr. D, 2016, ‘Just 90 companies are to blame for most climate change, this ‘carbon accountant’ says’, Science, 25 August, <>

Elliot. L, 2016, ‘Richest 62 people as wealthy as half of world’s population, says Oxfam‘, The Guardian, 23 September, <>

Verhaeghe. P, 2014, ‘Neoliberalism has brought out the worst in us’, The Guardian, 29 September, <>

Thunberg et al, 2019, ‘Young people have led the climate strikes. Now we need adults to join us too’, The Guardian, 23 May, <>

Anderson. K, 2016, ‘A succinct account of my view on individual and collective action’, Comment on Climate, 24 August, <>



Climate Change and Conflict 

Required Reading 

Koubi, Vally (2019):  Climate Change and Conflict. Annual Review of Political Science 2019 22:1, 343-360
Mach, K.J., Kraan, C.M., Adger, W.N., Buhaug, H., Burke, M., Fearon, J.D., Field, C.B., Hendrix, C.S., Maystadt, J., O’Loughlin, J., Roessler, P., Scheffran, J., Schultz, K.A. & von Uexkull, N. 2019, Climate as a risk factor for armed conflictNature, vol. 571, no. 7764, pp. 193-197.

Seminar – Case Study 1 

Refer to Case Study 1 Seminar Preparation Task and associated literature.


Energy Governance 

Required Reading 

Bulkeley. H, 2016, ‘Can we govern the climate?’ [Video file], <>


Discourse Analysis and Introduction to Case Study 2

Required Reading

Introduction to Discourse Analysis Study Guide

Dryzek, J., 2013. The Politics of the Earth: Environmental Discourses. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 3-23 (Part I: Introduction).

Recommended Reading (big texts, but there for you if you are curious to explore further)

Bushell, S., Buisson, G.S., Workman, M. & Colley, T. 2017, Strategic narratives in climate change: Towards a unifying narrative to address the action gap on climate changeEnergy Research & Social Science, vol. 28, pp. 39-49.

Gee, J.P. 2014, An introduction to discourse analysis: theory and method, Fourth edn, Routledge, New York.

Fairclough. 1995. Critical Discourse Analysis: The Critical Study of Language. Longman, London and New York.


History and Future of Climate Change Negotiations 

Required Reading

Kjellen, Bo. COP Negotiations Key Points

Kjellen, Bo. Climate Leadership in 2019, Reflections

Kjellen, Bo. History and future of the climate negotiations

White. M, 2017, ‘Will Democracy Win: Debate?‘ [Video file],


Recommended Reading

Kjellen, Bo. 2009. New Diplomacy for Sustainable Development.London/New York, Routledge. pp83-103


Environmental Communication and Psychology 

Required Reading

Read Introduction (xiii) and start having a look at Part 1. Thinking (p. 3-86) Stoknes, Per Espen (2015). What We Think About When We Try Not To Think About Global Warming. White River Junction, Vermont: Chelsea Green Publishing.

The below videos also act as a nice overview:

Stoknes. P, 2017, ‘What we think about when we try not to think about global warming‘ [Video file], <>

Hayhoe. K, 2017, ‘If I just explain the facts, they’ll get it, right?‘ [Video file], <>

Power and Justice in Climate Change Negotiations

Required Reading 

Pick 1-2 readings from each section.

– articles on justice, power and leadership in international negotiations  –

Justice in International Conflict Resolution

Albin, Cecilia. 2015. “The Many Faces of Justice in International Negotiations.” International Negotiation 20 (1): 41–58.

Albin, Cecilia, and Daniel Druckman. 2016. “Negotiating Effectively: Justice in International Environmental Negotiations.” Group Decision and Negotiation, September, 1–21.

Druckman, Daniel, and Lynn M. Wagner. 2016. “Justice and Negotiation.” Annual Review of Psychology 67 (1): 387–413.

Tritschoks, Annkatrin. 2018. “Rethinking Justice in International Environmental Negotiations: Toward a More Comprehensive Framework.” International Negotiation 23 (3): 446–77.

Zartman, I. William. 1995. “The Role of Justice in Global Security Negotiations.” American Behavioral Scientist 38 (6): 889–903.

Power and Leadership

Blavoukos, Spyros, and Dimitris Bourantonis. 2011. “Chairs as Policy Entrepreneurs in Multilateral Negotiations.” Review of International Studies; London 37 (2): 653–72.

Coolsaet, Brendan, and John Pitseys. 2015. “Fair and Equitable Negotiations?: African Influence and the International Access and Benefit-Sharing Regime.” Global Environmental Politics 15 (2): 38–56.

Corneloup, Inés de Águeda, and Arthur P. J. Mol. 2013. “Small Island Developing States and International Climate Change Negotiations: The Power of Moral ‘Leadership.’” International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 14 (3): 281–97.

Monheim, Kai. 2016. “The ‘Power of Process:’ How Negotiation Management Influences Multilateral Cooperation.” International Negotiation 21 (3): 345–80.

Susskind, Lawrence, Boyd Fuller, David Fairman, and Michèle Ferenz. 2003. “Multistakeholder Dialogue at the Global Scale.” International Negotiation 8 (2): 235–66.

Tallberg, Jonas. 2006. “Formal Leadership in Multilateral Negotiations: A Rational Institutionalist Theory.” The Hague Journal of Diplomacy 1 (2): 117–41.

Practical Take

Hoffman, David 2013. “A Primer on Negotiation for Mediators, Counsel, and Clients.” In: Hoffman, D. A., Israela Brill-Cass, Nicole DiPentima, Annie O’Connell, Katherine Triantafillou, and Richard N. Wolman. 2013. Mediation: A Practice Guide for Mediators, Lawyers, and Other Professionals. 1st edition, 2013. Boston, MA: MCLE New England.

Zohar, Ilana. 2015. “‘The Art of Negotiation’ Leadership Skills Required for Negotiation in Time of Crisis.” Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, The 3rd International Conference “EDUCATION, REFLECTION, DEVELOPMENT”, 3th – 4th July, 2015, 209 (December): 540–48.

Recommended Reading (some books introducing key concepts and theories on international negotiations, read chapters according to interest )

International Negotiation Theory

Fisher, Roger, William Ury, and Bruce Patton. 2011. Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement without Giving In. 3rd ed., Ed. New York: Penguin

Jeong, Ho-Won. 2016. International Negotiation: Process and Strategies. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.

Olekalns, Mara, and Wendi L. Adair, eds. 2013. Handbook of Research on Negotiation. Cheltenham: Elgar.

Zartman, I. William, and Guy Olivier Faure, eds. 2005. Escalation and Negotiation in International Conflicts. Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Press

Climate Change Communication 

Recommended Reading

The Climate Change Empowerment Handbook

Principles for effective communication  and public engagement on climate change


Climate – A Conflict of Interest? 

Required Reading
Recommended Reading/Watching/Tasks:

Case Study 2 

Required Reading

Refer to Case Study 2 Seminar Preparation Task and Associated Literature, and additionally skim through

Bäckstrand, K., Lövbrand, E., Tema Miljöförändring, Linköpings universitet, Filosofiska fakulteten & Institutionen för tema 2016, The Road to Paris: Contending Climate Governance Discourses in the Post-Copenhagen Era, Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, , pp. 1-19.

Reflexive Leadership 

Required Reading

Refer to Reflexive Leadership Preparation Task

Alvesson et al, 2017, ‘Reflexive leadership: organising in an imperfect world,’ London: SAGE, Chapter 8.

Alvesson. M, 2017, ‘Discrepancy Between Leadership Talk and Practice’ [Video file], <>




Embodied Leadership – Learning through Movement and Theatre

Oceans, Islands and the Case for Adaptation 

Required Reading

Stabinsky, 2018, ‘Adaptation to climate change: options and uncertainities,’ [Video file], <>IFrame

Radical Tenderness

Recommended Reading (for some background to these methods)

D’Emelia, D. 2015. Radical Tenderness Manifesto

Gesturing Towards Decolonial Futures Collective. 2019. Gesturing Towards Decolonial Futures


Carbon Budgets 

Required Reading

Anderson. K, 2017, Revealing the naked emperor – Paris, 2° & Carbon Budgets [Video file], <>


Ethical Frameworks 

Required Reading 

Tännsjö, Torbjörn (2013) Understanding Ethics: An Introducton to Moral Theory. Edinburgh.Edinburgh University Press. Chapters 1,2,4,6,8 *

Osberg, D. (2010). Taking Care of the Future?: The complex responsibility of education & politics. In Complexity theory and the politics of education (pp. 153-166). Brill Sense.

*This book is available as an e-book at Uppsala University library.

Recommended Reading 

Clifford, W. K. (1877). The ethics of belief. First published. Find here:

Ethical Analysis of Hurricane Maria 

Required Reading

Read the book Klein, Naomi (2018). The Battle for Paradise: Puerto Rico Takes on the Disaster Capitalists. Haymarket Press.


Feminist and Indigenous Perspectives on Climate Change 

Required Reading

1. Please check out the website  and FB site of Dálkke: Indigenous Climate Change Studies, FORMAS project led by Dr May-Britt Öhman, within the Swedish National Research Program on Climate, at Uppsala University.
 – on the FB page there are updates from ongoing subprojects, with reports.
2. Please check out the youtube channel playlist – of Dálkke: Indigenous Climate Change Studies
There are several interesting videos listed here. Please watch
  • the lecture by Prof Kyle Whyte,
  • on the Talvivaara mining disaster  – Finland (consequences of mining for metals for “green” energy) Talvivaara  – water consequences
3. On vimeo – this video on tradidional forest fire fighting  and forest care taking – Jokkmokk 2018
4. Article by Prof Kyle Whyte
2018. In  Environment & Planning E: Nature and Space 1 (1-2): 224-242.

Link to fulltext available – click above.

Case Study 3 

Refer to Case Study 3 Seminar Preparation task and Associated Literature


Finding Courage for the Climate 

Putting Pen to Paper 

Required Reading 

Wood, J (2009), How Fiction Works. Jonathan Cape, London.

Climate Change: Where to from here?

Required Reading

Hällström, Niclas (ed), 2012, ‘Part IV: Movement towards change‘, What Next Volume III: Climate, Development and Equity. Uppsala: Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation and What Next Forum. p 293-345

Urbanski, D, 2017, ‘An Incomplete Timeline of What We Tried’, Vice, 15 December, <>

Plus 3 solutions from The Beam/ Drawdown


Global Climate Strike



The Unihabitable Earth 

Required Reading

Make sure you have read The Unihabitable Earth by this point

Raise your Voice – Pitching and Activism 

Paris D12 : Red Lines



Leadership Seeds for the Future

Required Reading

We will generally use a framework called ‘backcasting’: to envision a desirable future first, and then discuss how to get there:
  • Sustainability plan: How might Einstein solve our problems? (backcasting), (2014, 5 min) (basic explanation of backcasting)
What are ‘seeds’ and why look at them?
From the seeds that you bring to the workshop, we will quickly envision different futures, sort of like this.:

Recommended Reading

For those interested, here is a Workshop Report that the workshop is inspired by:

  • Report on the Anthropocene Visioning Workshop (attached)


Climate Change Leadership – Business as Usual?

Recommended Reading

Meyer, K. E. (2004). Perspectives on multinational enterprises in emerging economies. Journal of international business studies35(4), 259-276.

Kolk, A. (2016). The social responsibility of international business: From ethics and the environment to CSR and sustainable development. Journal of World Business51(1), 23-34.

UN, 2015. Global Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships: Scaling up Public-private collective impact for the SDGs.

Holmström-Lind, C., Kang, O., Ljung, A. and Forsgren, M. 2018. MNC involvement in social innovations: The issue of knowledge, networks and power, Critical perspectives on international business, DOI 10.1108/cpoib-09-2017-0060


Climate Change Leadership Pitches 


Climate Change Leadership in Practice? 


Miscellaneous but interesting viewing and reading we have found

The Fracking Song
