A year of celebrating 25 years of student-led education, 20 years as joint Uppsala University and SLU centre, 15 years of transdisciplinary research and research education
25 years, who could have believed it back in 1992 during that first course introduction and guest lecture in sal X, University Main Building? CEMUS now in 2017 no longer the talented kid grown up a revolutionary teenager, but a citizen of the world, a philosopher genius turned austerity entrepreneur. A square, clean logo turned round and messy. Celebrating 25 years can easily become a narcissistic numbers game of self-glory, but what mattered from the start, still matters today – we are here to save the world (and in some sense save ourselves), to make the world into a better place for all – humanity, nature, planet.
Join us in celebrating CEMUS and all the people that made it happen, and discussing the past, present and future environment, development and sustainability issues.
Open events and festivities
January 16: Open spring semester start-up lecture – 25 years of changing the world with Bengt Gustafsson
Warmly welcome to CEMUS open spring semester start-up lecture “25 years of changing the world” with Bengt Gustafsson, professor in astro physics and one of the supporting founders of CEMUS. The lecture is part of the joint spring semester start, but is also open to alumni and the public.
January 16 at 18.15-20.00 in the new Bruzewitz lecture hall, Östra Ågatan 19, Uppsala. The lecture followed by a mingle with music and the launch of the 25 year celebration.
CEMUS World Tour 2017 – Call for alumni-organized tour stops
The CEMUS World Tour is a crowd-sourced, do-it-yourself, anything goes, around the world, in-real-life (and online) series of events. The idea is that you as an alumni (former student, staff, guest lecturer, CEMUS friend) or presently at CEMUS come up with an idea for an event, meeting, conference, mini-festival (basically anything) that is open or invitation only. It could be regular lectures, music, slam-poetry, starting your own CEMUS meeting with us in Uppsala, art workshop, dinner party with fellow alumni, creativity is encouraged. It could be only you or a large crowd. When you have a rough idea of what you want to do and a date, time fill out the form below. The tour starts in Uppsala January 16 at 18.15 with the lecture, mingle, and comes back to Uppsala for the grand finale party on November 25 where it ends.
The CEMUS Diares – Stories from past, present and future
As part of the jubilee we are doing a story/essay series that will be published every week throughout the year. The title for this is “The CEMUS Diares – Stories from past, present and future” and it will be a series of short stories written by present and former staff, students, work group members, associates etc.
The format and style is at the moment very loose and open. It can be short articles, novels, poems, memories, funny anecdotes. It can be a look-back at past times, a reflection of the contemporary or a prediction of the future. It can be text, videos, art etc. Together it will cover a wide range of narratives, perspectives and personalities that somehow are all connected to CEMUS. These stories will then be posted on our webpage, Facebook and CEMUSE magazine and in the end of the year put together in some kind of publication as well.
CEMUS Moments – Photos from 1992-2017
We’re looking for your photos of your CEMUS moments. We’ll post a minimum of one photo per week on Instagram and Twitter (highlights on Facebook), and we need your help to gather photos. Send photos as any image-file and add description as text or word-file, both as attachments, to: cemus25_4b8a@sendtodropbox.com No text in email can be read or is added to the box. If you have a massive collection of CEMUS photos it’s better to snail-mail them to CEMUS, Geocentrum, Villavägen 16, 752 36 Uppsala.
Man and Nature – A massive open online course
CEMUS first course – Människan och naturen (Man and Nature) – was first given in 1992 as a regular credit-course, and was last given in 2014 (it was cancelled due to economic cutbacks). The course is now brought back to life as a massive open online course (MOOC), that explores man’s changing relationship to nature and ways of working for a better world. Planned start September 2017. The course description stated:
Vilka globala överlevnadsfrågor står världen inför idag? Hur kan samspelet mellan människa och natur bli mer hållbart?
Kursen ger en bred orientering i den komplexa hållbarhetsproblematiken och behandlar frågor som klimatförändringar, globalisering och hur man kan arbeta med hållbar utveckling. I en mång- och tvärvetenskaplig föreläsningsserie skapas eftertanke och kritiskt tänkande genom inkluderande samtal mellan studenter, forskare och andra aktörer inom hållbarhetsområdet. Kursen startades av studenter 1992 och har inspirerat till liknande kurser vid andra universitet.
Read more about Människan och naturen in the syllabus.