Jan 11: Brown-bag lunch seminar with Dasho Karma Ura, Bhutan

”Why do we need Gross National Happiness?”

Come and listen to Dasho Karma Ura from Bhutan and  have a dialogue around welfare, happiness and sustainability.


CEMUS: Welcome and introduction

Dasho Karma Ura: Speech about ”The GNH of Bhutan”

GNH Sweden: Dialogue around GNH and the Sustainability Goals

Dasho Karma Ura, is the president of Centre for Bhutan Studies & GNH. He has developed the concept of GNH and the index in collaboration with international scientists. His visit to Sweden is a unique opportunity for dialogue about sustainability, wellbeing, welfare and global goals. Gross National Happiness is a term coined by His Majesty the Fourth King of Bhutan, Jigme Singye Wangchuck in the 1970s. The concept, which influences the whole country, its governance and structure, means that sustainable development should take a holistic approach to notions of progress and to give equal weight to the noneconomic aspects of wellbeing, divided into nine regions, domains, in order to create a broad understanding of GNH and to reflect the holistic range of GNH values. The nine domains of wellbeing are: living standard, health, education, time use, good governance, ecological diversity and resilience, inner wellbeing, community social vitality and cultural diversity & resilience. Do not miss the opportunity in this Brown Bag Seminar, to listen to Dasho Karma Ura and then have a dialogue about the subject of Gross National Happiness.

Time: Thursday 11th of January 2018, 12.00 (noon)

Place: CEMUS Library, Geocentrum, Villavägen 16

Note! Bring your own lunch!

We will take a short break after an hour, so feel free to drop by during your lunch break! We will continue until 13.30 with those can stay on to explore more deeply.

*CEMUS Library/Lounge:
From the main entrance of Geocentrum, follow the corridor to the right, past the student kitchen, and you will find a glass door on the right hand. You will see couches! Note that it is not the Geobiblioteket/Earth Sciences Library.

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