Mar 28: Open Seminar – Decoupling knowledge from carbon in an age of climate change

Should scientists stop flying? Decoupling knowledge from carbon in an age of climate change

Warmly welcome to a joint KTH-Uppsala University-SLU Seminar with Kevin Andersson, Uppsala University’s Zennström Professor in Climate Change Leadership at the Centre for Sustainable Development (Cemus).

Date and Time: Tuesday, March 28, 2017, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Location: Sal 533, Teknikringen 78 A, KTH Campus, Stockholm (See:
Live recording here:

How can academics, universities and research institutions reconcile the seemingly contradictory agendas of internationalization and rapid transitions to fossil-free futures?

Knowledge about the root causes and impacts of global climate change is produced by leading universities and research institutions around the world. However, researchers and academic institutions continue to pursue agendas that deliver ongoing rises in their emissions. From the CO2-emissions associated with extensive travelling, to current financial dependencies on high-carbon operations and investments, the universities’ own impact and the opportunity to lead by example, should surely be at the frontline of the academic debate on climate change.

Kevin Anderson

Join us for this challenging and crucial conversation on the relationship between post-carbon sustainability, mobility and knowledge production.


Sigbritt Karlsson, President of KTH

Göran Finnveden, Vice-president of sustainability, KTH

Kevin Anderson, Zennström Professor in Climate Change Leadership, Uppsala University, and Deputy Director of Tyndall Centre, UK.

The presentation by Kevin Anderson will be followed by a panel discussion on How academia could lead the way towards post-carbon sustainability, moderated Eric Paglia (Swedish Defense University)

Marco Armiero (Director, KTH Environmental Humanities Lab)

Anneli Ekblom (Director, Center for Sustainable Development, Uppsala University, to-be-confirmed)

Kimberly Nicholas (Associate Professor of Sustainability Science, Lund University Center for Sustainability Studies)

Erik Westholm (Professor, Department or Urban and Rural Development, SLU)