What do you do when you realize that the stories you’ve been told about yourself, your family, your country, your faith tradition, and the origins of climate change are all (similarly) inaccurate?
When the crises of the world seem strangely echoed in your family history, and the ramifications of colonization (including America’s prison industrial complex) are not in some far-off country but are actually very close to home?
What implications does this have for creating cultures that can survive climate change?
In this lecture, American eco-theologian Sara Jolena Wolcott, of English-Nordic descent, shares how, through the process of “re-Membering” and seriously engaging with the “sins” of America – stolen land and stolen labor – she shifted her own identity, and the implications of personal transformation on her work to create sustainable cultures for our climate changed world.
Time: Thursday, Nov 2nd, 15.30-17.00
Place: room Norrlands I, Geocentrum (Villavägen 16, Uppsala)
All are warmly welcome!