CEMUS Diaries - week 44 #1
Malin Östman
Course Coordinator and Deputy Director CEMUS
That of an institution when
You are alone with it
Buzzing, Humming, Wailing
No human
Only space
Halls, Walls, Whiteness
Of skin and heat
Hold me while I exhale
She says
Tell me everything is going to be OK
Reply, Explain
Nothing is ever OK
You still matter
Look out that window and see
A bird
Hospicing University
This is a part of the 25th Anniversary blog series “CEMUS Diaries: Stories from past, present and future”, where we invite present and former staff, students, work group members, associates, and other CEMUS friends to reflect on their time at CEMUS and shed critical light into the future. Read the other CEMUS Diaries entries here.