Lure of Migration: learning from less successful experiences of labour migration
Tues, Oct 25, 10.15-12-00
Baltic University Library, Geocentrum, Villavägen 16, Uppsala
Johanna Carolina Jokinen
Department of Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala University
‘Migration failure’ refers to a short-term return before collectively constructed objectives of migration are achieved. A failure is often linked to an individual migrant’s personality flaws without taken into account structural constraints limiting one’s ability to become a successful migrant. This article aims to provide a more nuanced understanding of the concept of migration failure by analysing migration stories originating from Bolivian agricultural sending communities. The results show that a return after working abroad over several years can be also considered as a partially failed migration in certain instances. Moreover, an ongoing long-term migration in challenging conditions can be coped with by applying coping strategies in destination and place of origin. A short-term return might form a learning process for a migrant even if family members often see it as a failure. Expectations of supposedly supportive family networks can therefore burden a migrant who rather would like to return.