Last year, Uppsala University’s Zennström Professor in Climate Change Leadership, Kevin Anderson along with colleagues Isak Stoddard and Jesse Schrage at CEMUS, calculated a carbon budget and associated emission reduction for the Swedish Municipality of Järfälla. The report, initally in Swedish, has now been translated to English.
You can find the full report (English) here: Carbon Budget and Pathways to a fossil free future in Järfälla Kommun
The original report in Swedish, along with a recording of the event where the report was presented can be found here.
During 2018 we are planning a number of new activities, including a carbon budget project for Swedish municipalities, counties and regions, in partnership with the consultancy Ramböll. We work with municipalities, cities, regions, sectors and organisations that are interested in developing a carbon budget framework as a scientific underpinning to their climate and energy strategies.
If you are intersted in finding out more, please don’t hesitate to contact us:
Isak Stoddard
Project Leader for Uppsala Universities Zennström Professorship in Climate Change Leadership
Centre for Environment and Development Studies at Uppsala Unversity and Swedish University of Agricultural sciences.