Time: 15.15-17.00
Venue: Uppsala Learning Lab, Blåsenhus, Von Kraemers Allé, 1
A chance to discuss and learn more about solutions to climate change together with researchers, practitioners as well as students who will be spending the whole fall semester addressing climate change in practice, within a new course at Uppsala University, given by CEMUS.
Come to be inspired or contribute with your own ideas and perspectives and join the conversation on how we can decrease emissions, adapt to a new climate reality and transform our societies in the face of climate change.
Welcome to an interactive and engaging afternoon hosted by the Zennström Visiting Professorship in Climate Change Leadership, CEMUS and the student-led Uppsala University Climate Change Platform.
Register for the event by filling out this registration form no later than September 4.
More information about the Climate Change leadership iniative in Uppsala visit: http://www.csduppsala.se/ccleadership/