Sustainability slammers wanted! – apply before May 9th

Welcome to Uppsala Sustainability Slam– May 25th

Slammers wanted!

Do you want to share your sustainability related research, project or other type of initative with a general public in a fun and creative way? Come perform at the Uppsala Sustainability Slam in Humanistiska teatern, May 25th (from 17 and onward)! You can be a student, a researcher or represent an organization that does work on sustainability issues. Bring your work to the center stage at Uppsala Sustainability Slam! Presentations can be in English or Swedish.

How do you participate?

The call is open now – just apply to participate here: application form

Application deadline: 9th of May 2018.

What is a Sustainability slam?

Slam participants get a maximum of 8 minutes to present a sustainability related topic connected to their research, project or initiative. The audience will take your presentation to heart and select a slam champion! In order to win you need to win over the audience through an interesting or fun presentation – you can sing it, dance it or find some other creative presentation format.

The slam is part of the Uppsala Sustainability Festival and is arranged by CEMUS, the Ccentre for Environment and Development Studies, at Uppsala university and SLU.