Sep 21: Sweden’s Ignored History – The Sami Perspective

Warmly welcome to a CEMUS Open Event with Josefina Skerk, the Vice President of the Sami Parliament in Sweden!

When:  Thursday, September 21st 17:15-19:30

Where: Hambergsalen, Geocentrum, Villvägen 16, Uppsala

Is Sweden a leader of sustainable development in the world? To the outside world Sweden is often pictured as having a long history of living in peace, promoting equality and citizen rights and assuring universal welfare. But what happens if you scratch the surface?

This open lecture will addresses past and current challenges faced in Northern Sweden among the indigenous people of Scandinavia – the Sami.

Josefina Skerk is the Vice President of the Saami Parliament in Sweden, Polar explorer and law student. Democratic socialist, queer feminist.

She is 29 years old and lives in village of about 50 people on the coast of northern Sweden. She is a member of the sami community, the northernmost Indigenous Peoples in Europe. Studying law at Umeå University, she has been active in sami politics since she was 19, and is the vice leader of the Jakt-och Fiskesamerna party, which represents the hunting and fishing sami. This is the largest party in the sami parliament in Sweden. She is working on land and water protection, the right of indigenous children to their language and all children to a good school with the possibility to eliminate differences and discrimination due to class. She was also the first person in the sami parliament to raise the issue of LGBTQIA rights and make sure that the sami parliament officially joined the Pride Parade in 2011.

This event is part of the course “Critical Perspectives on Sustainable Development in Sweden” given by CEMUS and is open to all students and the public. 

CEMUS is the Centre for Environment and Development Studies and is run as a collaboration between Uppsala Uiversity and SLU, Swedish University of Agricultural Studies. Read more about CEMUS and our education and events here:

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