Enki Simmons

An interactive exhibition exploring humans-with-nature in a changing climate. Opening event: Fri 26 January, 16.00 with fika and introductory . Exhibition on display until end of February. Where: CEMUS library and […]

Jan 26-Feb: Exhibition – Art at the End of the ...

Welcome to Art at the End of the World club! When: Fridays December 8th & January 19th. 11.30-13.30 Where: CEMUS Library, Geocentrum, Villavägen 16 No registration needed More information: contact […]

Jan 19: Stories in the Ice – Art at the ...

Welcome to Art at the End of the World club! When: Fridays October 13th and 27th kl. 11.30-13.30 Where: CEMUS Library, Geocentrum, Villavägen 16 No registration needed More information: contact […]

Oct 13 & 27: Art at the End of (a) ...

a brown bat hangs from a branch with wings folded. They look directly at the camera. Green leaves of the tree is visible behind.
Welcome to Art at the End of the World club! When: Fridays, April 21th and May 5th, kl. 11.30-13.30 Where: CEMUS Library, Geocentrum, Villavägen 16 No registration needed More information: […]

May 5: Deep Listening – Art at the End of ...

close of a shiny frog's eyes
Welcome to Art at the End of the World club! When: Every second Friday, kl. 11.30-13.30 (even weeks) Where: CEMUS Library, Geocentrum, Villavägen 16 No registration needed More information: contact […]

Feb 10: Art at the End of the World club ...

a mossy, broken down hearth in an abandoned building
Welcome to Art at the End of the World club! When: Every second Friday, kl. 11.30-13.30 Where: CEMUS Library, Geocentrum, Villavägen 16 No registration needed More information: contact enki.simmons[a]cemus.uu.se and […]

Dec 9 & Jan 13: heARTh, heART, eARTh

Anmälan till höstterminen 2022 stänger vid midnatt 19 april. Läs om hur du söker på www.antagning.se. CEMUS erbjuder följande kurser höstterminen 2022. Direktlänk till ansökan på antagning.se finns på varje […]

Sista anmälningsdag 19 april på antagning.se