Climate Change Leadership – MOOC

Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5

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Painting "Long Ship's Lighthouse, Land's End" by Joseph Mallord William Turner, about 1834 - 1835

“Long Ship’s Lighthouse, Land’s End” by Joseph Mallord William Turner, about 1834 – 1835 CC BY 4.0, The J. Paul Getty Museum.

Connecting the dots in your own context

This step wraps up week 3 and discusses different ways of connecting climate change, leadership and a broad range of sustainability challenges.


1. Systems thinking and collaborative visualisation

Go to the web page An Introduction to Systems Thinking and Wicked Problem Solving and watch the 9 minute video. This gives you a fast introduction to systems thinking and collaborative visualisation.


2. Map-making

Get a large piece of paper (the larger the better) or a white board or similar and make a map that connects the different issues we have gone through during week 3 connected to your own local context. The map can be everything from a more technical systems map to an artistic expression, it can focus on a specific issue or try to capture the bigger picture.


3. Connecting the dots

What new connections, relationships, disconnects and conflicts do you see? How has your understanding of climate change leadership changed? Add your thoughts and ideas to the discussion and post a photo of your map on Studium, on Twitter use the hashtag #cemuscclmooc and on Facebook.


© CEMUS and Uppsala University