Registration and mandatory course introductions spring 2017

If you have applied through go to Anmälan, antagning, registrering och obligatoriska kursstarter vårterminen 2017

Important dates and deadlines

December 19
Welcome letters with course information (preliminary schedule, literature and mandatory course introductions) will be sent out via email.

January 16 at 9.15
Mandatory course introduction Sustainable Development – Project Management and Communication, 15 credits, in room 12:010, Blåsenhus, von Kraemers Allé 1A, map:

January 16 at 13.15
Mandatory course introduction Climate Change Leadership – Power, Politics and Culture, 15 credits, in room 12:010, Blåsenhus, von Kraemers Allé 1A, map:

January 16 at 17.15
Mandatory course introduction Actors and Strategies for Change – Towards Global Sustainabilities, 7.5 credits, in the new Bruzewitz lecture hall, Östra Ågatan 19, map: Gamla torget.

January 16 at 18.15
Open spring semester start-up lecture – 25 years of changing the world with Bengt Gustafsson. Warmly welcome to CEMUS open spring semester start-up lecture “25 years of changing the world” with Bengt Gustafsson, professor in astro physics and one of the supporting founders of CEMUS. The lecture is part of the joint spring semester start, but is also open to alumni and the public. January 16 at 18.15-20.00 in the new Bruzewitz lecture hall, Östra Ågatan 19, Uppsala. The lecture followed by a mingle with music and the launch of the 25 year celebration.

January 18 at 19.15 – CHANGED TIME
Mandatory course introduction Sustainable Design – Ecology, Culture and Human Built Worlds, 7.5 credits, in room 12:004, Blåsenhus, von Kraemers Allé 1A, map:

January 20 at 10.15
Mandatory course introduction Master Programme in Sustainable Development: Sustainable Development – Worldviews and Discourses – A Seminar Series, 5 credits, in Småland, Geocentrum, Villavägen 16, map:

Read more at and contact us if you have questions Director of Studies, Daniel Mossberg, (or if urgent via phone +46-(0)73-065 02 28).