CEMUS Forum and Outreach are looking for passionate and hard working interns that are ready to engage in our outreach and collaborative activities and make the world a better place!
If accepted as an intern at CEMUS you will get insight into and take part in the day-to-day practicalities, running of CEMUS Forum, and initiate and run your own sustainability project. The project needs to be related to sustainability, climate or some of the issues that CEMUS works with – see our courses and outreach activities for some examples. The internships at CEMUS are unpaid.
You come up with the idea for your project and your application needs to include a description of the project that you would like to run during the internship period. You need to be able to finish the project during your time here and write a report where you describe, evaluate and reflect over the project you have worked on.
You can apply for an internship at CEMUS from August to June, please apply no later than a month in advance. The internship runs during the autumn or spring semester or both semesters, earliest start date this year August 24, 2022, and latest end date June 16, 2023. The duration of the internship is flexible, please notify in the application how long you would prefer to stay. You will be supervised by Daniel Mossberg, Lead Coordinator CEMUS Forum and Outreach.
Read more about CEMUS Forum and Outreach here: www.cemus.uu.se/outreach
- Supervision and support during the internship
- Insight into the work at CEMUS
- A creative and collaborative work and study environment
- A broad network of local, Swedish and international organizations, universities and professionals
- Professional and open approach to people, ideas and situations
- Engaged work on and completion of a sustainabiity project
- Communicative project report that can be published online
- Participation internal meetings and events as agreed with supervisor
Your application should include:
- Motivational letter including a project idea specifying how your project will make the world a better place and how the project will accomplish that. In the letter you should also explain why you would like to do an internship at CEMUS and what you expect from your time here. (1-2 pages A4)
- CV with background and skills
You can apply: from August 1 – June 30 (any year)
Send application to: daniel.mossberg[a]cemus.uu.se
Note: If you are taking an internship course fro credits there may be other restrictions that applies to your internship – please state these in your application.
Outreach activities and projects at CEMUS Forum
These are some of the ongoing outreach activities and projects that you can focus your internship on (click to read more):
- Sustainability Festivals and open social events at CEMUS
- Re-emergence/emergency walks and outdoor, nature events
- Café com Paulo Freire pedagogical and open-ended fika events
- The Critical Interference Podcast at CEMUS and recording, editing of open events (video, audio, photos)
- The Sustainability and Climate Thesis Library and related open events connected to students and academic writing
- CEMUS Library – Meeting Place and Study Space, library resources and on campus meeting places (like our former space Kollaboratoriet Uppsala)
- CEMUS alumni network and CEMUS Critical Friends – Affiliated Teachers, Researchers and Contributors
- CEMUS Climate Change Leadership – Massive Open Online Course and other online learning resources
- COP International climate meeting coverage at meeting with associated events online with Uppsala and CEMUS
Contact us for further information and ways to match your interests and skills to CEMUS ongoing work.
CEMUS courses you can combine with an internship
The Climate Change Leadership in Practice, 30 credits course and the Sustainable Development – Project Management and Communication, 15 credits course, are suitable for combining with an internship. Please see course pages for schedules and requirements.
Read more at: www.cemus.uu.se/education/
The Centre for Environment and Development Studies (CEMUS), is a student-initiated, transdisciplinary centre at Uppsala University and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, with the explicit ambition to contribute to a more just and sustainable world. Student-faculty collaboration weaves as a golden thread through the history and organization of all activities at the centre.
Since its inception in the early 1990’s, the centre has initiated and expanded the space for transdisciplinary student-led higher education as well as research and collaboration that transcends traditional academic disciplines and boundaries between academia and society at large.
Read more about CEMUS here: www.cemus.uu.se/about
Study and live in Uppsala
Student life in Uppsala is extraordinary. Wherever you go in Uppsala you will be reminded of the students’ impressions.
In Uppsala, more than 40,000 students are seen, heard and make their mark everywhere. It is no wonder, since they have been part of the city since 1477. They have created traditions and continue to create these, something that made Uppsala the student city it is today.
The university is constantly present in buildings, thoughts and reputation. Experience a unique student life in Uppsala involving six student unions, 13 student nations and a wide variety of student organisations. While you are here, take the opportunity to get engaged, network and meet friends for life!
Read more here: https://www.uu.se/en/admissions/student-life/