Updated 2021-01-11 at 09.14 DM
October | November | December | January | February-July
Archive Autumn 2020 | Course Coordinators, Course Resource Persons, Resources, Guidelines and Work Process | Amanuensguiden // Course Coordinator Guide | Open events at CEMUS
Deadlines and time table
The meetings and material listed below will be explained further by instructions sent out by email and at actual meetings. The meetings and material are fundamental aspects of the work with your course and everyone is expected to participate – when it says EVERYBODY that means everybody working with a spring 2021 course. In other words – not being at a meeting/session is the same as not showing up for work. If you are sick or have other valid reason for not being part of a meeting, email Malin Östman and specify why you can’t make be there. Staff meetings Wednesdays odd weeks (Oct-Dec) and even weeks (Jan-Jun) at 12.15-13.00, CEMUS Fika every Wednesday at 15.15 Zoom: https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/66407055037. Happy course coordination!
Meetings and sessions in BOLD PINK are mandatory as part of your work.
Download the VPN client for updating CEMUS web page: https://vpn.uu.se Instructions for VPN: https://mp.uu.se/web/info/stod/it-telefoni/it-servicedesk/network-on-campus/vpn-service
IT/computer support https://mp.uu.se/en/web/info/stod/it-telefoni Email IT-support: servicedesk@uu.se Studium support: support-elarande@uadm.uu.se
week 40
Monday September 28 at 9.15-12.00 Course Report Conference Spring 2020 – part 1 with spring course coordinators, hosted by Daniel Mossberg, Zoom: https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/61470211567
Wednesday September 30 at 13.15-16.00 Course Report Conference Spring 2020 – part 2 with spring course coordinators, hosted by Daniel Mossberg, Zoom: https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/62489354552
Thursday October 1 at 9.15-12.00 Start-up new course coordinators with Sara Andersson and Malin Östman, Zoom.
Thursday October 1 – Friday October 16 start the work planning, time budget and collaborative process. Work, project and time plan start-up – with your course coordinator colleague work through and discuss the different documents, then meet up with Course Resource Person and decide on time plan/budget in work description and project plan.
Purpose: Introduce the course coordinator work at CEMUS, discuss parallel starting-points for that work and connect in-class hours to work hours in time budget/planning. Get a clear understanding of the work description and how the total hours is best spent to create the best course possible, agree on how to collaborate, and formulate a project plan that enables a clear and concrete work process.
Key documents: Course coordinators spring 2021 | Course Resource Persons/Educational coordinators per course and theme | Course Coordinator Guide spring 2021 | CEMUS book – Transcending Boundaries (print) click to download: English Swedish | 1. Collaborative Agreement spring 2021 (download) | 2. Time budget spring 2021 (download) | 3. General work description and project plan – spring 2021 (download) | 4. Suggested Course Work Group spring 2021 download
Thursday October 1 – Friday October 16 Course thematic start-up – connect with your fellow coordinator, read course reports, meet last semesters coordinator/s, and meet with Course Resource Person.
Purpose: Start the process of understanding what the course thematically is focused on, different pedagogic methods used in the course, and start the fun process of creating the best possible course spring 2021.
Key documents: Course syllabus/kursplan | Course report in: \Box\CEMUS-Edu-Box\Spring 2020\Course reports
week 41
Wednesday October 7 kl. 12.15-13.00 CEMUS staff meeting, join via Zoom: https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/67899761483
Thursday October 8 at 9.00-11.00 Re-emergence/ emergency walk: Troubling Education – How anti-oppressive pedagogy and courses can change the world with Daniel Mossberg, outside and Zoom, read more at: http://www.cemus.uu.se/oct-8-re-emergence-emergency-walk/
week 42
Friday October 16 at 17.00 Upload to CEMUS-Edu-Box (see email with invitation/link):
- Work description & time budget
- Project plan
- Collaborative agreement
- Suggested Course Work group (talk to Malin if you have questions)
week 43
Monday October 19 kl. 12.15-13.15 CCS Collegial Lunch: How do we plan good work group meetings? Presentation and discussions with Malin Östman. No preparation needed.
Purpose: Create a better collaborative relationship with the course work groups and its individual members that makes the quality of the courses better.
Wednesday October 21 kl. 12.15-13.00 CEMUS staff meeting, join via Zoom: https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/67899761483
week 44
week 45
Week 45-46 Work Group Meeting 1 with summary of last semesters course, creative input, course outline and some general decisions. Email course reports and other relevant material for the meeting one week in advance.
Wednesday November 4 kl. 12.15-13.00 CEMUS staff meeting, join via Zoom: https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/67899761483
Before November 5
- Make a rough idea map of where you want to take your course in the upcoming edition of the course. Upload to padlet
- Reflect upon where this content comes from (is it inherited from previous years, is it brought in by you?)
- Are the concepts and structure affected by moving the education online? If so, how?
Key documents: Course syllabus (see links at the end of this page), idea map and general structure of course. Notes from your reflections.
Thursday November 5 at 9.15-12.00 CEMUS Course Assembly 1: workshop focused on course concept(s), outline and structure, with Ewa Livmar, Zoom: https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/62493680527. We will discuss themes and content as well as the role that different type of content plays in courses. We will also discuss online vs. campus format in CEMUS education.
to look at course content in several ways:
- content in relation to previous year´s course (what to keep, what to bring in new),
- content in relation to other courses at CEMUS (synergies, necessary overlaps, unnecessary overlaps)
- but also to relate course content to the wider field/area of sustainability – what themes, current events and content do we cover well at CEMUS (and how) and what are the themes that are underrepresented in our courses (and why).
- How do we follow/develop our educational model during uncertainty? (covid, campus, online etcetera)
Hopefully we can also find inspiration to bring in new content in courses, where it fits course syllabus and descriptions.
week 46
Week 45-46 Work Group Meeting 1 with summary of last semesters course, creative input, course outline and some general decisions. Email course reports and other relevant material for the meeting one week in advance.
Tuesday November 10 kl. 12.15-13.15 CCS Collegial Lunch: How to engage students online with Mats Cullhed, educational developer at the unit for Academic Teaching and Learning, Zoom: https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/62778880989
Friday November 13 at 9.15-12.00 Staff half-day with Malin Östman, Zoom via email.
week 47
Monday November 16 kl. 12:15-13:00 Literature seminar: Connecting students at a distance, Zoom: https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/69628257813
How can we connect students and create a sense of community with remote teaching? The article below was written in 2019 before our entire teaching was flipped upside down and became remote, and provides four strategies to build a community online with students. We aim to discuss these strategies and other exmples that you have to keep the studentents connected in Zoom. Berry, S. (2019). Teaching to connect: Community-building strategies for the virtual classroom. Online Learning, 23(1), 164–183. https://olj.onlinelearningconsortium.org/index.php/olj/article/view/1425 Welcome, TUR – The Council for Educational Developmentat the Faculty of Science and Technology.
Wednesday November 18 kl. 12.15-13.00 CEMUS staff meeting, join via Zoom: https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/67899761483
Thursday November 19 kl. 12.15-13.15 CCS Collegial Lunch: CEMUS examples – Sustainability Case Library, Critical Thinking workshops, Communications workshops, Forum Theater, Debates, Student Projects and many more! Zoom: https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/68530054251
week 48
Before November 23 Prepare according to instructions emailed a week in advance for CEMUS Course Assembly 2 on literature and supporting non-text material. The material could be discussed with your Course Resource Person/Group before November 23.
Monday November 23 at 9.15-12.00 CEMUS Course Assembly 2 on literature and supporting non-text material, with Daniel Mossberg, Zoom: https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/67461339603
Purpose: to process and discuss course books that fits with and enables learning in the different courses; to better understand why certain books with certain topics and perspectives are selected, and why some are not selected; to get an overview of the number of books and the actual course books the coming semester to enable the same amount of reading per similar courses and avoid using the same or too similar books on CEMUS courses.
Tuesday November 24 kl. 15.15-17.00 You are cordially invited to the following zoom-seminar, hosted by the TekNat’s Centre for Discipline-Based Education Research (MINT). Maria Weurlander, associate professor in higher education, Stockholm University, will talk about Student-centered teaching and meaningful learning, see abstract below. This is followed by a discussion. Feel free to come when you can and for as long as you can! We hope this will be an opportunity for those interesting in issues in STEM education research to get together and meet each other! Zoom: https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/64386382051
week 49
Week 49-50 Work Group Meeting 2 with decision on schedule, literature and examination. Email creative documents that opens up for input and other relevant material for the meeting one week in advance.
Monday November 30 kl. 13.15-15.00 “Tips & Tools for Online Education” workshop with Emmy Pater, Zoom: https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/63706343425 for anyone at CEMUS interested in learning more about the digital learning environment. The workshop will focus on online methods and tools for active participation, with opportunities for sharing best practices and getting hands-on experience.
I would love to hear before hand: what do you want to learn more about, with regards to online education? Which technology or feature are you curious about? Please add it to the Jamboard: https://tinyurl.com/cemusonline, by 27th November.
My own ideas for the session are to cover both technology for active student engagement and pedagogic approaches for online education. For technology, I can go through Zoom features and best practices, Studium features for active student participation, look at some external platforms for interactive activities (Kahoot, Menti, Jamboard, Padlet). We can also discuss less ‘technological’ topics related to online education: the renewed role of podcasts, pedagogic concepts like Flipped Classroom, establishing class ‘rules’ for the digital environment, and how to create a sense of community with online education.
Why me?
I’m offering this workshop out of my personal interest in effective online facilitation, as I am taking several trainings about how to host powerful online events in my free time. In addition, our goal with the Global Challenges course this year was to boost the active student participation despite being online, which has given me insights in what does and does not work in the digital classroom.
Looking forward to diving deeper into the digital sphere with you all!
Wednesday December 2 kl. 12.15-13.00 CEMUS staff meeting, join via Zoom: https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/67899761483
week 50
Week 49-50 Work Group Meeting 2 with decision on schedule, literature and examination. Email creative documents that opens up for input and other relevant material for the meeting one week in advance.
Before December 7 Prepare according to instructions emailed a week in advance for CEMUS Course Assembly 3 on examination. The material should be discussed with you Course Resource Person before December 7.
Monday December 7 at 9.15-12.00 CEMUS Course Assembly 3 on examination with Alexis Engström, Zoom: https://miun-se.zoom.us/j/69443307001?pwd=TnJnUUxqTTFmRlRLRWQvRUk4U3A4Zz09. The focus for this assembly is constructive alignment, assessment and creating an examination structure for your course. You can find resources for assessment (eg. examples of grading matrixes) in the course coordinator guide folder in Box. Attached in the email from Alexis is also a chapter about assessment from a book exploring the concept of Community of inquiry. It’s a model that offers good support for the way we approach education at CEMUS.
Instructions: http://www.cemus.uu.se/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Preparations-3rd-Course-Assembly-on-Examination.docx
No later than Monday December 7 at 12.00 upload to the EduBox:
- Greeting with course basics and contact info
- Welcome information (see previous semester’s course info)
- A preliminary schedule with mandatory sessions clearly stated and outline of examination and deadlines
- List of literature – books, course readers and other material
Schedule with times and dates and guest and your own sessions (not all guests have to be booked but decided on), literature (books and outline for course reader) and examination model need to be finished. Remember to sync joint guests with other courses already in May.
Wednesday December 9 kl. 12.00-13.00 Hybrid teaching – challenges and opportunities with Suzanne Pathkiller, Division for Quality Enhancement, Academic Teaching and Learning UU, Zoom: https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/65094589444
For many teachers the learning environment looks very different to what it did a year ago. Some students are participating remotely via Zoom, while others are in the classroom, but physically distanced. A hybrid course integrates online and face-to-face instruction, planning interactions based upon intended learning outcomes and proven teaching practices. In this seminar participants will have the opportunity to share their experiences. We will also look at various course modalities and discuss strategies for equitable and inclusive teaching in the hybrid environment.
Thursday December 10 kl. 13.15-14.45 Studium workshop with Lena Klintberg, Teknat Studium coordinator, Zoom: https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/67684824706. This session will be a good opportunity to learn how to set up your courses in Studium and figure out all the settings. It is a one hour workshop with Lena starting at 13.15 but I have added another 30 min for Q&A afterwards. Here is a page with information and teachers guide:
week 51
No later than Monday December 14 Post at CEMUS course page and Studium preliminary schedule and other course info that you have decided upon with the Course Work Group in December and Course Resource Person (Alexis/Daniel), Educational Coordinator (Ewa English courses) and Director of Studies (Malin) – if you have questions or get stuck email/contact Malin.
The posts needs to include:
- Greeting with course basics and contact info (welcome information/letter)
- A preliminary schedule with mandatory sessions clearly stated and outline of examination and deadlines
- Examination schedule with mandatory sessions and assignments clearly stated
- List of literature – books, course readers and other material (not digital compendium which needs to be published 1 week before the course starts)
Wednesday December 16 kl. 12.15-13.00 CEMUS staff meeting, join via Zoom: https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/67899761483
Thursday December 17 at 14.00-15.30 TUR Ethics Seminar with Archbishop Antje Jackelén: Technology becomes smarter by theology and philosophy, Zoom: https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/64774498812
The development of smart technologies such as 3D Printing, AI and Big Data is promising, but it needs to include the subject traditions that have centuries of experience and competence to reflect on questions about the meaning and aim of everything. In this lecture, Archbishop Antje Jackelén shows why the insights of theology and philosophy cannot be reduced to decoration in the final stages of development, but is something that needs to be integrated into the process from the beginning. Bio: Antje Jackelén is Archbishop of the Church of Sweden since June 2014 and before that bishop of The Diocese of Lund. She received her doctorate at Lund University and has served as professor of systematic theology with a focus on religion and science at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, USA, where she also was director of the Zygon Center for Religion and Science. Archbishop Jackelén is an honorary doctor at the University of Greifswald, at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago and at Virginia Theological Seminary. Her latest book is God is Greater (Fortress Press 2020).
week 52
week 52-1 – work or vacation or flex hours – suggest vacation dates with your course coordinator colleague and inform Malin Östman, then put in the days in Primula mp.uu.se
week 53
week 52-1 – work or vacation or flex hours – suggest vacation dates with your course coordinator colleague and inform Malin Östman, then put in the days in Primula mp.uu.se
week 1
week 52-1 – work or vacation or flex hours – suggest vacation dates with your course coordinator colleague and inform Malin Östman, then put in the days in Primula mp.uu.se
week 2
No later than Monday January 11 post at course page and studium a finalised schedule and digital compendium (articles, video and more).
Monday January 11 kl. 9.15-12.00 CEMUS Course Assembly 4 on in-class pedagogics, didactics and roles, with Ewa Livmar, Zoom: https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/62554802016
Wednesday January 13 kl. 12.15-13.00 CEMUS staff meeting, join via Zoom: https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/67899761483
week 3
Monday January 18
The Spring Semester 2021 starts!
Resources, Guidelines and Work Process
- 1MV021 Hållbar utveckling B
- 1MV063 Teknik, makt och mänsklighetens framtid
- 1MV064 Livsfilosofi och det moderna samhället
- 1MV075 Actors and Strategies for Change – Towards Global Sustainabilities
- 1MV076 Sustainable Design – Ecology, Culture and Human Built Worlds
- 1MV077 Climate Change Leadership – Power, Politics and Culture
- 1MV553 Sustainable Development – Worldviews and Discourses – a Seminar Series
- 1MV083 Sustainable Economic Futures – Nature, Equity and Community
Documents Uppsala University
- Pedagogiskt program för Uppsala universitet
- Teaching and Learning at Uppsala University
- Tools for distance education
Project planning and budget
See email from Sara Andersson/Malin Östman
Course reports
\Box\CEMUS-Edu-Box\Spring 2020\Course reports
Courses, Course Coordinators, Course Resource Persons and Resource Groups
HUB 1MV021 Hållbar utveckling B, 30 hp
Course coordinators: Eva Andersson and Zack Klockar
Course resource person: Alexis Engström
Weeks, days, schedule Uppsatskurs: Mondays and Wednesdays (second half of the spring semester)
DEL AV HUB 1MV021 Värderingar, världsbilder och visioner, 7.5 hp
Course coordinators: Tomasz Forsberg and Kaya Toft Thejls
Course resource person: Alexis Engström
Weeks, days, schedule: Mondays and Wednesdays (first half of the spring semester)
TMMF 1MV063 Teknik, makt och mänsklighetens framtid, 7.5 hp
Course coordinators: Eva Andersson and Zack Klockar
Course resource person: Alexis Engström
Weeks, days, schedule: Tuesdays and Thursdays (twice a week) (first half of the spring semester)
LF 1MV064 Livsfilosofi och moderna samhället, 7.5 hp
Course coordinator: Tomasz Forsberg and Kaya Toft Thejls
Course resource person: Alexis Engström
Weeks, days, schedule: Tuesdays and Thursdays (twice a week) (second half of the spring semester)
Course resource group ENG & MSD
ASC 1MV075 Actors and Strategies for Change – Towards Global Sustainabilities, 7.5 hp
Course coordinators: Nicola Donohoe and Pontus Roseen
Course resource person: Daniel Mossberg
Weeks, days, schedule: Monday evenings from kl. 17.15 (once a week)
SDESIGN 1MV076 Sustainable Design – Ecology, Culture and Human Built Worlds, 7.5 hp
Course coordinators: Abigail Garbett and Tobias Bharucha
Course resource person: Daniel Mossberg
Weeks, days, schedule: Tuesday evenings from kl. 17.15 (once a week)
CCL 1MV077 Climate Change Leadership – Power, Politics and Culture, 15 hp
Course coordinators: Ashley Farber and Emmy Pater
Course resource person: Daniel Mossberg
Weeks, days, schedule: Monday and Wednesday afternoons (twice a week)
MSD Spring 1MV553 Master Programme in Sustainable Development, 5 hp
Course coordinators: Derek Garfield and Pieter Vullers
Course resource person: Daniel Mossberg
Weeks, days, schedule: Fridays daytime period 3 (first half of the spring semester) (sessions before and after lunch)
SEF 1MV083 Sustainable Economic Futures – Nature, Equity and Community, 15 hp
Course coordinators: Eva Andersson and Margherita Tommasini
Course resource person: Daniel Mossberg
Weeks, days, schedule: Tuesday and Thursday afternoons (twice a week)
Educational Coordinators – thematic / focus areas
Outline, content and schedule the (red thread)
Malin Östman
CEMUS Course Assembly 1
Literature, video, audio and supporting material
Daniel Mossberg
CEMUS Course Assembly 2
Examination, assignments and syllabus
Alexis Engström
CEMUS Course Assembly 3
Pedagogics, didactics and roles (the green thread)
Ewa Livmar
CEMUS Course Assembly 4
Course evaluations, course reports and course report conference
Ewa Livmar
Course Report Conference