Welcome to our upcoming seminar with Daniel Valentini, PhD Candidate in landscape architecture the SLU, ‘Who doesn’t like cycling? Reconsidering the governance of urban cycling in Uppsala’
When: March 9 kl. 10.15-12.00
Where: Online via Zoom: https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/5883402135 Meeting ID: 588 340 2135
Who’s not in favour of biking? Cycling and the bicycle play increasingly dominant roles in discourses on sustainable urban mobility. While actors in urban areas and beyond principally approve of increased urban cycling levels, crucial questions revolve around the strategies, policies, plans and instruments to promote cycling. My PhD-research hones in on these issues on the governance for urban cycling by studying Uppsala as a case city. Valentini is particularly interested in the role of innovations in reconsidering who governs cycling and through which means. This talk will provide a broad overview of his PhD-research. He will present preliminary findings on the governance of cycling as directed by Uppsala Kommun, as well as the engagement of various actor groups to provide new perspectives on cycling advancement in the city. Theoretically, he will draw on theories of sustainability transitions but also test early ideas on urban planning at the intersection to degrowth scholarship.
This research seminar is organized by CEMUS Research Forum, CEFO, read more here: https://climatechangeleadership.blog.uu.se/cefo/