Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5
Leadership skills toolbox
As a starting point, this is a list of different tools that will help you develop skills you find relevant. What skills do you find useful in your work?
Leadership and the skills approach
Peter G. Northouse, author of “Leadership Theory and Practice” (2021), introduces in this video the ‘Skills approach’, watch it here.
Communication, meetings and group dynamics
The Climate Change Playbook, 22 Systems Thinking Games for More Effective Communication about Climate Change (2016) by Dennis Meadows, Linda Booth Sweeney and Gillian Martin Mehers.
Virtual Leadership Activities: 19 Remote Games to Develop Your Leaders Team Building Hub.
Meeting Design Guide Fantastic Studios.
Seeds for change, guide to consensus decision-making Seeds for Change.
Design thinking and creativity
Design Thinking Bootleg Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford University.
Game Storming co-creation tools Game storming.
You were born to tell great storiesDigital roam.
Feral Atlas: The More-Than-Human Anthropocene Stanford University
Systems thinking
Systems Thinking Resources The Donella Meadows Project, Academy for Systems Change.
LOOPY a tool for thinking in systems Nicky Case.
Unlocking the potential of human values Common Cause Foundation.
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