Amanuenskollegium // Course Coordinator Series – Autumn 2020

Updated 2020-04-20 at 13.31 DM

March | April | May | June | July | August | September-December | January-March

Archive Spring 2020 | Course Coordinators, Course Resource Persons, Resources, Guidelines and Work Process | Amanuensguiden // Course Coordinator Guide | Open online events at CEMUS

Deadlines and time table

The meetings and material listed below will be explained further by instructions sent out by email and at actual meetings. The meetings and material are fundamental aspects of the work with your course and everyone is expected to participate – when it says EVERYBODY that means everybody working with an autumn 2020 course. In other words – not being at a meeting/session is the same as not showing up for work. If you are sick or have other valid reason for not being part of a meeting, email Sara Andersson and specify why you can’t make be there. Staff meetings Wednesdays odd weeks at 12.15-13.00, CEMUS Fika every Wednesday at 15.15. Happy course coordination!

MARCH 2020

week 11
Friday March 13 at 9.15-16.00
Course Report Conference, Kollaboratoriet and Zoom.

week 12
Tuesday March 17 at 10.15-12.00
Start-up new course coordinators with Sara Andersson, Zoom.

Monday March 16-Friday March 27
start the work planning, time budget and collaborative process. Work, project and time plan start-up – with your course coordinator colleague work through and discuss the different documents, then meet up with Course Resource Person and decide on time plan/budget in work description and project plan.

Purpose: Introduce the course coordinator work at CEMUS, discuss parallel starting-points for that work and connect in-class hours to work hours in time budget/planning. Get a clear understanding of the work description and how the total hours is best spent to create the best course possible, agree on how to collaborate, and formulate a project plan that enables a clear and concrete work process.
Key documents: Course coordinators autumn 2020 | Course Resource Persons/Educational coordinators per course and theme | Course Coordinator Guide autumn 2020 | CEMUS book – Transcending Boundaries (print) click to download: English Swedish | Work description & project plan (download) | Time budget (download) | Collaborative agreement (download)

Wednesday March 16-Monday March 28
Course thematic start-up – connect with your fellow coordinator, read course reports, meet last semesters coordinator/s, and meet with Course Resource Person.

Purpose: Start the process of understanding what the course thematically is focused on, different pedagogic methods used in the course, and start the fun process of creating the best possible course autumn 2020.
Key documents: Course syllabus/kursplan | Course report (email and print)

week 13
Friday March 27 at 17.00
Upload to CEMUS-Edu-Box (see email with invitation/link):

  • Work description & time budget
  • Project plan
  • Collaborative agreement
  • Suggested Course Work group (talk to Sara if you have questions)


week 14
Thursday April 2 at 12.00-13.30
via Zoom with Malin Östman, prep your own lunch, theme for discussion to be announced.

week 15
Before April 15

Produce an idea overview of central themes in your course, as well as an idea over what roles/purposes guest lectures, course coordinators and examination plays in the learning process in the course. Upload a prototype and/or comments to this padlet before we start the Zoom session:


Gjord med Padlet

Wednesday April 15 at 9.15-12.00
CEMUS Course Assembly 1: workshop focused on course concept(s), outline and structure, with Sara Andersson via Zoom. I will present some basic data on CEMUS edcuation, and we will discuss themes and content as well as the role that different type of content plays in courses. We will also discuss online vs. campus format for the autumn courses 2020.

Friday April 17 at 10.00-11.00
How do we plan good work group meetings? Presentation and discussions with Malin Östman. No preparation needed.

week 16
Week 16-17
Work Group Meeting 1 with summary of last semesters course, creative input, course outline and some general decisions. Email course reports and other relevant material for the meeting one week in advance.

week 17
Week 16-17
Work Group Meeting 1 with summary of last semesters course, creative input, course outline and some general decisions. Email course reports and other relevant material for the meeting one week in advance.

week 18
Tuesday April 28 kl. 13.00-16.00
LIVE ONLINE: Open lectures – Dálkke Indigenous Climate Change Studies, read more and join via Zoom here:

Before April 29
Prepare according to instructions emailed a week in advance for CEMUS Course Assembly 2 on literature and supporting non-text material. The material should be discussed with your Course Resource Person/Group before April 29.

Wednesday April 29 at 9.15-12.00
CEMUS Course Assembly 2 on literature and supporting non-text material via Zoom with Daniel Mossberg.


    1. Watch the video below with intro and instructions.
    2. Possible books on the short list for autumn 2020: find at least 4 books per MSD-course; 4 books per 7.5 credit course; 6 books per 15 credit course; 8 books per 30 credit course that could be selected for the coming semester – talk to Daniel and/or your Course Resource Person if get stuck. This could off course include books for last semester/previous years. Make sure the books are at home with you for the Course Assembly and email Daniel if you need to order.
    3. Fill out one form per book and discuss: you can find the form with questions to fill in and discuss here: Form CCA 2
    4. Discuss and rank the books: make a list individually that puts the books in the order from most important for learning/need to be part of the course to less important and then discuss and make joint list together for your course.
    5. Online meet with Educational Coordinator and discuss.
    6. Bring the forms, the joint list and at least one online copy of the book to the Course Assembly: at the session we will discuss the books, their purpose/function in the courses and more in smaller groups, trying to build a visual overview of books at CEMUS autumn 2020 and try to figure out why we select certain books/topics/methods.


Framework for course books: The number of books should not vary because of the level of the course. Instead, the content, discussion, arguments, academic level should correspond with the level of the course – for example, a master level course includes books that are appropriate for that level.

  • For a 5 credit MSD-course at CEMUS: 1-2 books and Digital Compendium Online (Digital Compendium Online: An online compendium with 3-4 texts, videos, audio files and/or other learning material per week available at
  • For a 7.5 credits course at CEMUS: 1-2 books and Digital Compendium Online (Digital Compendium Online: An online compendium with 3-4 texts, videos, audio files and/or other learning material per week available at
  • For a 15 credit course at CEMUS: 3-4 books and Digital Compendium Online (Digital Compendium Online: An online compendium with 5-7 texts, videos, audio files and/or other learning material per week available at
  • For CCLIP 30 credits at CEMUS: 5-6 books and Digital Compendium Online (Digital Compendium Online: An online compendium with 8-11 texts, videos, audio files and/or other learning material per week available at

Purpose: to process and discuss course books that fits with and enables learning in the different courses; to better understand why certain books with certain topics and perspectives are selected, and why some are not selected; to get an overview of the number of books and the actual course books the coming semester to enable the same amount of reading per similar courses and avoid using the same or too similar books on CEMUS courses.

Key documents: Padlet with possible books autumn 2020 | CEMUS Education Literature on Box (articles)


week 19
Wednesday May 6 kl. 12.00-13.00
CEMUS staff meeting.

week 20
Wednesday May 13 kl. 9.15-11.15
Course resource meeting English courses (exkl. MSD) autumn 2020.

week 21
Week 21-22
Work Group Meeting 2 with decision on schedule, literature and examination. Email creative documents that opens up for input and other relevant material for the meeting one week in advance.

Wednesday May 20 kl. 12.00-13.00
CEMUS staff meeting.

week 22
Week 21-22
Work Group Meeting 2 with decision on schedule, literature and examination. Email creative documents that opens up for input and other relevant material for the meeting one week in advance.

Tuesday May 26th at 10.15-12.00 Studium workshop

Where: Zoom (see link below)

When: Tuesday, May 26th , at 10.15-12

Langugage: English, but you can also work with Swedish courses and content.

Help us get an idea of how many wants to participate, by signing up for the workshop beforehand:

The workshop is available to all teachers and/or course coordinators at the Department of Earth Sciences.

Do you want to participate in a workshop, but cannot attend on May 26th? Send an email to Sara Andersson:, and she will see if it is possible to arrange another workshop in June. Also, see dates for general introductions to Studium below.

About the training session

To get a quick start, you can join a workshop where you get help to move your course material and we will go through some new functions. You work on your computer with your own course in parallel with instructions and help through Zoom.

In order to get as much out of the session as possible, you should prepare some tasks. Instructions and detailed information can be found here:

To make your course visible for you in Studium, you need to be linked to it and your course administrators can help with this, or you can contact the e-learning support ( For the workshop, you can work in the sandbox course you see if you log in to Studium (, it is easy to later copy from the sandbox to the real course.

Zoom: Join URL:

You find online-support on Studium here:

Before May 27
Prepare according to instructions emailed a week in advance for CEMUS Course Assembly 3 on examination. The material should be discussed with you Course Resource Person before May 27.

Wednesday May 27 at 9.15-12.00
CEMUS Course Assembly 3 on examination via Zoom with Alexis Engström.

Friday May 29 at 13.00-15.00
How to engage students online with Malin Östman and Mats Cullhed, educational developer at the unit for Academic Teaching and Learning.


week 23
Wednesday June 3 kl. 12.00-13.00
CEMUS staff meeting.

No later than Wednesday June 3 at 17.00 upload to the EduBox:

  • Greeting with course basics and contact info
  • Welcome letter
  • A preliminary schedule with mandatory sessions clearly stated and outline of examination and deadlines
  • List of literature – books, course readers and other material

Schedule with times and dates and guest and your own sessions (not all guests have to be booked but decided on), literature (books and outline for course reader) and examination model need to be finished. Remember to sync joint guests with other courses already in May.

Thursday June 4 at 9.15-12.00 CEMUS Education Leadership meeting looks at and decides on course info.

week 24
No later than Friday June 12 Post at CEMUS course page and Canvas/Studium preliminary schedule and other course info that you have decided upon with the Course Work Group in May and CEMUS Education Leadership Group after June 3.

The posts needs to include:

  • Greeting with course basics and contact info
  • A preliminary schedule with mandatory sessions clearly stated and outline of examination and deadlines
  • List of literature – books, course readers and other material

week 25-26 -no significant work – vacation and flex hours saved or used in March-May / August-January period – decide on vacation and inform Sara Andersson, then put in the days in Primula

JULY 2020

week 27-30 -no significant work – vacation and flex hours saved or used in March-May / August-January period – decide on vacation and inform Sara Andersson, then put in the days in Primula

week 31
Monday July 27
Sara Andersson will email all students with preliminary schedule and other course info that you have decided upon with the Course Work Group in May and CEMUS Education Leadership Group June 2.


week 32

Everybody back to work from vacation Monday August 3.

week 33
Work on your course
– preparing for the autumn semester start.

Wednesday August 12 at 12.00-13.00
Staff meeting Zoom.

Staff meetings odd weeks – Wednesdays at 12.00-13.00 Zoom.

week 34
Friday August 21 at 9.15-12.00 CEMUS Course Assembly 4
with Malin Östman and others, Zoom:

Friday August 21 at 13.15-16.00 CEMUS staff half-day with Malin Östman and others, Zoom:

week 35

No later than Monday August 24 email to students and post at course page and studium a finalised schedule and digital compendium (articles, video and more).

Wednesday August 26 at 12.00-13.00
Staff meeting Zoom.


week 36
Monday August 31

The Autumn Semester 2020 starts!

Monday August 31 at 18.15-20.00 Semester start-up with Doreen Stabinsky & Isak Stoddard online
Zoom: Read more:

Monday September 28 at 9.15-12.00 Course Report Conference Spring 2020 – part 1
with spring course coordinators, hosted by Daniel Mossberg, Zoom:

Tuesday September 29 at 9.15-12.00 Staff half-day
with Malin Östman, Zoom via email.

Wednesday September 30 at 13.15-16.00 Course Report Conference Spring 2020 – part 2
with spring course coordinators, hosted by Daniel Mossberg, Zoom:

Thursday October 15 at 9.15-12.00 Staff half-day
with Malin Östman, Zoom via email.


week 3
No later than Sunday January 24
Course evaluations should close at midnight in Studentportalen.

week 5
No later than Friday February 5
The short course report to be finalized at Studentportalen -> course evaluation-> course reports. From the results put together the short report in Studentportalen.

week 7
No later than Thursday February 18
The longer course report finalized, upload to EduBox.

Thursday February 18 kl. 9.15-12.00 and Friday February 19 kl. 9.15-12.00
Course Report Conference, Zoom:, please choose a slot at google doc, see email from Ewa for link.

Here’s the instructions:

  • Both half-days are on Zoom, and will be recorded for new coordinators joining in April. (not publicly shared).
  • Each course has 25 minutes, around 10-15 min presentation, 15-10 min discussion/interactive/try out/experiment. (Since we are on Zoom, breaks are put in between the slots but we do have two packed half-days. Please help by keeping time)

The three main questions for the conference that the courses should present/share are:

  • How to plan, organize, structure and lead the best possible interactive, discussion-based sessions (seminars and workshops) that lead to learning and student empowering. Present/share the best online example you had during the autumn.
  • What is your most valuable tip on how to integrate course literature and other material into the sessions, examination and the students own learning process? Please share the best online examples you have had.
  • What do you take away with you from this course round? Both in terms of what the students got and what you learnt yourself.

Resources, Guidelines and Work Process

Courses, Course Coordinators, Course Resource Persons and Resource Groups

Course resource group HUA/SWEHUA 1MV020 Hållbar utveckling A, 30 hp
Course coordinators: Lovisa Håkansson & Ewa Livmar
Course resource person: Alexis Engström

GMH 1MV052 Global miljöhistoria, 7.5 hp
Course coordinators: Amanda Hadzidedic & Märta Björk
Course resource person: Alexis Engström

KE 1MV053 Klimatet, energin och det moderna samhället, 7.5 hp
Course coordinators: Eva Andersson & Anja Moum Rieser
Course resource person: Alexis Engström

Course resource group ENG (exkl. MSD)

GCSF 1MV071 Global Challenges and Sustainable Futures, 7.5 hp
Course coordinators: Arturo Vidal & Emmy Pater
Course resource person: Daniel Mossberg

SDSWE 1MV072 Critical Perspectives on Sustainable Development in Sweden, 7.5 hp
Course coordinators: André Dutra & Ashley Farber
Course resource person: Daniel Mossberg

SDPMC 1MV074 Sustainable Development – Project Management and Communication, 15 hp
Course coordinators: Abigail Garbett & Katelin Markcrow
Course resource person: Daniel Mossberg

SDLA 1MV080 Sustainability and Development in Latin America, 7.5 hp
Course coordinators: André Dutra & Franklin de Jesus Martinez
Course resource person: Daniel Mossberg

GEC 1MV073 The Global Economy – Environment, Development and Globalisation, 15 hp
Course coordinators: Nicholas Fitzpatrick & Enrique Mejia
Course resource person: Daniel Mossberg

CCLIP 1MV078 Climate Change Leadership in Practice, 30 hp
Course coordinators: Matthew Tuggey & Naomi Terry
Course resource person: Daniel Mossberg

Course resource group MSD

MSD Intro 1MV550, 5 hp, MSD Seminar Autumn 1MV552, 5 hp (Master Programme in Sustainable Development)
Course coordinators: Hanna Wernerson & Derek Garfield
Course resource person: Malin Östman

Educational Coordinators – thematic / focus areas

Outline, content and schedule the (red thread)

Sara Andersson
CEMUS Course Assembly 1

Literature, video, audio and supporting material

Daniel Mossberg
CEMUS Course Assembly 2

Examination, assignments and syllabus

Alexis Engström
CEMUS Course Assembly 3

Pedagogics, didactics and roles (the green thread)

Malin Östman
CEMUS staff trip/pre-semester – CEMUS Course Assembly 4

Course evaluations, course reports and course report conference

Malin Östman
Course Report Conference