2022: CEMUS +30 celebrations and events

Finally, I am here, where all the action is supposed to be; at the center of thinking and change – the university. My images of the university were so vivid and clear: frenetic activity and enthusiasm; continuous debates and discussions; students with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, who attend lectures beyond their fields of study according to interest rather than course plans and requirements; idealism and the power to bring about change coupled with knowledge and thoughtfulness; demonstrations, actions, and protests; the courage to challenge and change the status quo. The core of social change and the triumph of reason over the follies of the world.What is education for? The History of Cemus by Niclas Hällström, p. 17, 2011

Join us in celebrating CEMUS and all the people that made it happen, and discussing the past, present and future environment, development, climate and sustainability issues!

Open events and festivities

January 17 kl. 18.15-20.00 online
Spring 2022 semester start-up lecture


Starting February 3 kl. 12.00-13.00 online
The Environmental and Climate Humanities Seminar www.cemus.uu.se/enclhuse


Start 9 februari kl. 18.15-19.30 i Mallas sal, Stadsbiblioteket och online
Framtidsakademin tema Skogen www.cemus.uu.se/framtidsakademin


August 29 kl. 18.15-20.00 in Sal X (room 10), University Main Building
Autumn 2022 semester start-up lecture and CEMUS +30 panel
Read more: http://www.cemus.uu.se/autumn-2022-panel-cemus-30/


November 14 kl. 15.00-20.00 in the Sigtuna Foundation Library
Wild and Dangerous Hope – Facing Urgent and Slow Violence
Read more: http://www.cemus.uu.se/nov-14-wild-danger-hope-2022/


November 24 kl. 15.15-17.00 in Hamberg lecture, Geocentrum, Villavägen 16
Open lecture with George Monbiot “Regenesis – Feeding the World without Devouring the Planet”
Read more: http://www.cemus.uu.se/monbiot2022/


CHANGED DATE November 24 kl. 17.30-01.00 at CEMUS, Villavägen 16
CEMUS +30 Jubilee dinner and party
Welcome to an evening celebrating CEMUS 30th year anniversary!
Read more: http://www.cemus.uu.se/nov-24-jubilee-dinner-and-party-2022/

CEMUS moments – photos, video and mementos

We are looking for photos of your CEMUS everyday moments and turning points. With your help and a deep dive into our archives, we will gather photos, videos and other material into an exhibition which will open in September 2022. In connection with the exhibition we will also put together an online display for all you that cannot come to Uppsala. So send us your photos, videos or other material as any image/video-file and add description as text or word-file, both as attachments, to: CEMUS30.0c9z671n1afne28i@u.box.com (you will get a conformation when it is received). No text in email can be read or is added to the box. If you have physical objects, something large or a massive collection of photos it’s better to snail-mail them to CEMUS, Geocentrum, Villavägen 16, 752 36 Uppsala.


CEMUS +30 publications and podcast

During the year we will update the CEMUS publication “Transcending Boundaries” that was published originally in Swedish 2011 with new and updated chapters. We will also have special episodes of the Critical Interference Podcast at CEMUS.


CEMUS World Tour 2022 – Call for alumni-organized events

The CEMUS World Tour is a crowd-sourced, do-it-yourself, anything goes, around the world, in-real-life (and online) series of events. The idea is that you as an alumni (former student, staff, guest lecturer, CEMUS friend) or presently at CEMUS, come up with an idea for an event, meeting, conference, mini-festival (basically anything) that is open or invitation only. It could be regular lectures, music, poetry, starting your own CEMUS meeting with us in Uppsala, art workshop, dinner party with fellow alumni – creativity is encouraged. It could be only you or a large crowd. When you have a rough idea of what you want to do and a date, time fill email daniel.mossberg[a]cemus.uu.se and we will publish the event here and via CEMUS social media. The tour starts in Uppsala online January 17 at 18.15 with the semester start-up lecture and comes back to Uppsala for the grand finale party on November 26 where it ends.