Late applications for our autumn courses at CEMUS starting is now open, it’s never too late to contribute to a more just and sustainable world!
We have 7.5, 15, and 30 credit courses in English and Swedish. Find out more information such as syllabus and preliminary schedules by following the links below, where you can also find the late application link.
Höstterminen 2024 – Autumn 2024
Vad innebär hållbar utveckling i både teori och praktik? Vilka strategier och metoder kan användas för att skapa en hållbar samhällsutveckling? Hur skiljer sig den vetenskapliga förståelsen av hållbar utveckling från den allmänna, massmediala bilden av hållbarhetsproblematiken? Hur kan man arbeta med och för hållbar utveckling?
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Vad kan samtiden lära av mänsklighetens långa historia och dess relation till den omgivande miljön? Hur kan en miljöhistorisk förståelse bidra i det praktiska arbetet för en hållbar framtid? Med utgångspunkt i samspelet mellan människa och natur ger kursen ett historiskt djup till dagens hållbarhetsproblematik och de senaste decenniernas diskussion om hur problematiken kan hanteras.
Läs mer och ansök »Klimatet, energin och det moderna samhället, 7.5 hp
På vilka sätt kan samhället minska utsläppen av växthusgaser och samtidigt anpassa sig till ett förändrat klimat? Hur kan världens allt mer svårtillgängliga resurser fördelas på ett rättvist sätt? Hur kan olika tekniska och sociala innovationer inom klimat- och energiområdet bidra till en omställning till ett hållbart samhälle?
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What would a climate change leadership in practice look in different contexts and places in the world? How can you as a student initiate and lead processes that mitigates emissions and adapts societies to a changing climate? The course starts with an intense first part in Uppsala where specially invited guest teachers and the Zennström visiting professor in Climate Change Leadership at Uppsala University, combined with interactive workshops, gives you a background on the complexity of the issues as well as inspiration for what you can work on during the course.
Read more and apply – campus version»
Read more and apply – distance version»
Global Challenges and Sustainable Futures, 7.5 credits
What are the challenges facing humanity today and in the future? How can we create and rediscover sustainable ways of living on this planet? With accelerating trends such as climate change, water scarcity, energy depletion, social injustice, economic crisis, resource wars and other challenges, there is a growing need for sustainable alternatives.
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Sustainability Challenges in Sweden, 7.5 credits
Sweden is often portrayed as a world leader within the sustainability field, but does Sweden live up to that image? Which Swedish examples can serve as inspiration and a model for sustainability on a global level? Sweden has a positive image internationally, particularly when it comes to sustainable development. This course is designed to concretely examine this image of Sweden by taking a closer, critical look at how Sweden has worked with sustainable development historically and how well current initiatives can serve as a model for sustainability on a global level.
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Sustainable Development – Project Management and Communication, 15 credits
Do you want do a sustainability project, reach others and change the world? Then this is a course for you! The students carry out a local project in international and interdisciplinary groups that in one way or another aims to contribute to sustainable development.
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